Niall Comes Home From Tour

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You woke up one chilly morning and headed downstairs to the kitchen. You began to warm some water to make yourself a cup of tea when you glanced at the calendar and realized today was the day. Niall was coming home.

You walked over to the calendar hanging in Maura's kitchen to make sure you weren't imagining it in your morning sleepiness. Sure enough, today's date was circled with a red marker.

You couldn't wait to finally feel Niall's arms around you. To finally feel your back pressed against his warm chest as you fell asleep tonight. It had been way too long since you heard that thick accent say "I love you" in person instead of through a screen or phone call.

Half an hour later Maura came into the kitchen and smiled at you.

"How did you sleep, love?" She asked.

"A little better. My back didn't bother me quite so much." You said.

"That's good. Are you excited for later?" She asked.

"Yes. I can't wait to see him. I can't believe he's coming home today!" You said as you smiled at her.

"I bet he can't wait to see you either." She said. "I have an idea. I know the first thing he always wants when he comes home is some good home cooked food. His favorite is my roast. I thought maybe you and I could surprise him and make him roast and some potatoes to welcome him home."

"That's a great idea, Maura! He'll love that! Maybe we can invite Greg and Denise over too and have a family dinner?" You suggested. You knew Niall would say that you guys didn't have to make him his favorite meal or make a big deal out of him coming home, but you knew inside he would secretly love it.

"I'm going to have to run to the store real quick for a few things, though. I don't have everything we'll need." She said as she started making a grocery list for herself.

"I can run to the store and pick everything up if you'd like me to." You said.

"Oh, sweetie, you better just stay here and relax. I'd hate to send my pregnant daughter-in-law to the store for groceries. You relax and drink your tea and I'll go get everything." She said.

"Okay, if you're sure." You said, although you knew there would be no arguing with her.

"I'm positive, love." She said.

About ten minutes after Maura left your phone rang, and you saw that it was Niall calling.

"Hey babe." You said as you answered his call.

"Hey Y/n." He said. You knew right away that something was off. His voice wasn't excited at all. Why wasn't he excited to come home today?

"Ni? Is everything okay?" You asked as you began to worry about him.

", not quite." He said as he tired to figure out how to answer your question.

"What is it Ni?" You asked, hoping he would get to the point.

"Baby, listen. We're a little caught up. We got booked for a few extra days. I can't make it home tonight." He said.

You felt your heart break just a little at his words as you sighed. Guess you wouldn't be sleeping in his arms tonight after all.

", that's okay. I-I understand." You said as you tried not to sound too disappointed.

"I'm really sorry, princess. I will make it up to you when I get home. I promise." He said.

"No, it's fine. You can't help that you have to work." You said as you looked at the pots and pans and bag of potatoes Maura had gathered. All of it for nothing. Guess you guys wouldn't have to make a roast tonight after all. And you would have to call Greg and Denise and tell them that he wasn't going to be able to make it home.

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