Packing the Hospital Bag

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It was a cool night in late August as the summer came to an end and fall rolled in. You and Niall both knew that the twins could come any day since you were two weeks away from your due date. Niall was working from home by doing Skpe calls and work on the computer because of the chance that you could go into labor any day. Both your mum and Maura were on speed dial for the moment your water broke, and Niall made sure the Range Rover always had a full tank of gas so that you wouldn't have any problems getting to the hospital.

"Hey Ni." You said as you looked over at him where he was sitting on the couch watching a Derby game.

"Hmm." He hummed as he kept his eyes locked on the game.

"Well I was just thinking...we have everything ready for the babies but we should probably pack a hospital bag so that when it's time to go we're ready." You said.

"Yeah, yeah, that's great babe." He said as he bit his lip as Derby's opponent came close to scoring.

"Niall did you even hear a word I said?" You asked.

"Something about being ready for the babies." He said.

"Ni, we need to pack a bag to take to the hospital when my water breaks." You said. "I don't want to be in labor and running around trying to get everything we need."

"Okay. We'll do it after this game." He said. "It's almost over."

You sat on the couch with Niall and watched as Derby defeated the oposing team 3-1. Once the game was over you and Niall walked down the hallway to your master bedroom so that you could start packing.

"Okay so what do we need?" Niall asked.

"Look at the paper that's there on my nightstand. It's the list that Dr. Y/doctor/n gave me. They are things that she said we would need." You said.

Niall walked over to your side of the bed and picked up the paper. You walked over to the bed and took a seat because your feet were killing you, even though you hadn't been standing for very long.

"You read me off the items, and I'll put them in the bag." Niall said.

"Okay. So we'll need two bags. One for you and I and one for the babies." You said.

"Let's pack our bag since we're in our room and then we'll go up to the nursery and pack the babies' bag." He said.

"Okay so the first items are things I will need...driver's license and insurance cards. Both of those are in my purse and you keep a copy of the insurance card in your wallet." You said.

"Yep, and I've already called the insurance company and told them that we would be adding two to our plan. All I have to do is call them once we get their official birthdates and names." He said.

"Perfect. The next is toiletries. If you go in the bathroom, under the sink in my vanity is a pink bag. It's the bag I take with me when I travel with you. It should have everything I need." You said.

"Okay, I'll be right back." He said.

He came back into the room a minute later carrying your toiletry bag. You opened it to make sure everything you would need was in there: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, deodorant, a small can of dry shampoo, and a few feminine products.

"Okay so here is all of my stuff. Make sure that gets put in the bag." You said.

"Okay, what's next on the list?" He asked.

"Socks, underwear, and nursing bras and nursing tanks." You said.

"I know where your socks and underwear are. Do you keep your nursing stuff in a special place?" He asked.

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