That's What The Blacks Do

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That's What The Blacks Do

Dora Potter arrived shortly after sun-up, as the boys were eating the breakfast Molly Weasley had prepared. Though Molly offered Dora to stay for breakfast, too, James's mum had exactly one thought on her mind - how ruddy furious she was at her son for running off as he'd done - and Molly understood when Dora insisted they leave immediately. James hung his head and thanked Molly and Arthur for taking care of him overnight, a sentiment repeated by both Remus and Sirius, and then Dora marched them out of the house, into the lane. "Stay. Here. Do not move or you will be in so much trouble that you'll not even be able to wrap your mind about it," she said to James as she grabbed hold on Remus and Sirius's wrists. James nodded.

Dora turned on the spot, and the next thing they knew they were outside of the Lupin's house. Remus swallowed back the lump rising up in his throat. Every single light in the house was ablaze. He looked up at Dora, "Thank you," he said lowly.

She was tight lipped, but she nodded, then turned to Sirius, "And where am I taking you, then?" she demanded of him.

Sirius didn't know where to tell her. He didn't have anywhere to go.

"He's staying here with me," Remus injected before Sirius could come up with a reply.

Dora nodded and released Sirius's wrist. "Go on then. I want to see to it that you both go in that house before I leave. I need to see it with my own eyes, since you lot aren't trustworthy." Her voice was sharp and Sirius felt terrible, even though it hadn't been his fault that the other two hadn't gotten permission to go and rescue him from Grimmauld Place. It hadn't even been his idea for them to come at all! But Dora was such a kind woman that Sirius felt truly terrible having any part in anything that had disappointed her.

"C'mon," Remus said, leading the way through the gate and up to the kitchen door. Remus pushed it open and Sirius looked back to see Dora Potter still watching them. He waved... but she didn't smile or wave back, she only nodded, motioning for them to go inside. She didn't disapparate back to James until the door had closed.

Lyall Lupin's voice shouted through the house when he heard the kitchen door, "TIZZY? REMUS? IS THAT YOU? REMUS?" Footsteps thundered on the floor above as he ran through the house to the stairs.

Remus looked at Sirius, "I don't know how to tell him."

"Gently," Sirius said. "I'll help you."

Remus looked at the frame of the doorway as his father came in, wearing his best blue tweed suit that he only wore to work.

Lyall Lupin's eyes were wild with worry, "Remus!" he shouted, relief pouring over his face, "Mrs. Potter sent me an owl last night, told me you were alright, I had no idea I should be worried! What did you do? Why did you boys sneak off like that? Where's Tizzy?"

"Dad -" Remus's voice shook, "Dad, Tizzy's..."

"Is she hurt?" Lyall looked desperate. "I'll get the healing kit. Where is she?"

"Dad, she's been killed," Remus said it quickly, before the words could leave him again, "She's dead."

Lyall stared blankly ahead, eyes unfocused, his jaw dropped and trembling. He stumbled forward and dropped into the nearest chair at the table, which Sirius had jumped forward to pull out for him when he'd seen the strength go out of Lyall's knees.

Remus's voice trembled, "We buried her... We buried her by a creek outside of Ottery St. Catchpole... She - she saved our lives, Dad. She was a hero."

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