Sirius's Plan

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Sirius's Plan

Two days after the Order of the Phoenix meeting, Sirius was laying on his back in the dormitory, staring at the spot where the very last remnant of his and James's sticking spells remained - one leg of one of the desk chairs, permanently adhered to the ceiling.

The other three were off at their classes - or maybe by that time they were at lunch, who knew, there had been too many questions being raised by Remus skipping meals, so despite Remus's reluctance to be apart from Sirius, he'd had to join them even at lunch. Peter was supposed to be in charge of feeding and watering their pet Sirius, as James had referred to it, and he'd be making a run to the kitchens after they ate, before heading to their afternoon classes.

Consequently, Sirius Black had been alone all day by the time they'd finished their classes and gotten back to the dormitory. And, as anyone who knows Sirius Black knows, leaving Sirius Black alone was never the best idea... especially when Sirius Black is bored.

Especially on 31 March.

Sirius was grinning when the others returned late in the afternoon, laying there on his bed surrounded by empty pumpkin juice bottles, ripped-off sandwich crusts, and several chocolate frog wrappers.

"What're you smiling about?" James asked, seeing him as he yanked the Gryffindor tie from 'round his neck. He chucked it down on the bed. "Like the Cheshire Cat. Look at him!"

Remus looked over, "Oh bloody hell, he's plotted something."

Peter said, "Uh-oh."

Sirius sat up and swiveled to look at them, "Gentlemen, I have come up with a plan."

"Here we go," Remus muttered.

"A brilliant plan. The best plan that may ever have existed in the history of Hogwarts. The Founders themselves would be jealous of this plan. At least Gryffindor would have, that bloke strikes me as one that would enjoy pranks."

"Pranks?" Peter squeaked.

"Pranks," Sirius nodded.

Remus rubbed his forehead, "Sirius --- you can't go pranking when you aren't even supposed to be here at all and ---"

"Don't you understand, Rey? That's the beauty of it. The majesty of it! I'm not even here. And yet I'm still going to help pull off the most bloody brilliant prank that the school has ever seen! Guys --" Sirius looked about at them very solemnly, "This is even better than the time we turned everybody blue."

"Better?" James sounded in awe.

"Way better."

"Is it better than the swamp in Slytherin common room?!" he asked.

Sirius nodded. "Yes, Potter."

James looked eager, "Go on, King of Pranks."

Sirius pointed to the chair leg on the ceiling. "Tomorrow is April Fools, and I've been thinking - thinking about the castle..."

The boys all looked up at the chair leg. James's eyes twinkled with knowing. "FINALLY!"
Peter pouted (it was his chair that was missing a leg, after all).

Remus looked back at Sirius, appalled. "No."

"Yessss, Remus," said Sirius, "Yes. It's brilliant."

Peter looked confused, "What is?"

"The entire castle?" James breathed. "It'll take forever."

"What'll take forever?" Peter asked, looking 'round at them.

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