Crystal Balls

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Crystal Balls

Professor Mopsus was seated on the squat stool once more and the students were struggling to get the heavy orbs out of their bookbags and onto the desktops on their tiny plinths. A great deal of shuffling and muttering was going on. Across the room, Bran Johnson dropped his crystal and it rolled with a loud thundering sound as it moved across the floor. He scrambled to collect it, turning pink from the attention he was getting from the other students.

"Do be careful with the crystals," Mopsus called out. "Remember, they are a physical being, a living orb, whose emotions are to be vibrantly connected to your own once they are charged. We must treat the orbs as an extension of ourselves... Gently now... gently..."

Sirius balanced his on the little plinth and looked over at Peter, who was staring into his orb. He slipped his fingers up behind it, throwing a reflection of his hand all through the crystal, making Peter squeak, thinking at first that he'd seen something before he realized it was just Sirius's middle finger. He punched Sirius's arm, "Stop that!" he said.

James was laughing.

Mopsus was still talking, "The energy of the crystal is very sensitive... We will only see the images that our minds are open and prepared for... The balls are very personal... Do not touch each other's balls..."

Sirius snorted. Loudly. Then, under his breath, "Hear that, you lot, don't be touching each other's balls..."

"Something stuck in your throat, Mr. Black?" Mopsus asked.

"No sir," Sirius replied.

"Anything you wished to share with the class?" he pressed.

Sirius grinned, "No, sir. I was just... repeating the importance of not touching each other's balls. That's all."

"Very good," Mopsus replied.

James snickered, burying his face into the crook of his arm while Peter and Remus bit their lips tight to keep from laughing. Sirius could feel Lily Evans staring at him from across the room. She had a funny look on her face, like she was waiting for something to happen as she looked on, barely paying attention to Mopsus's words. Not paying attention to a teacher? That was so unlike Lily Evans... He looked over and waved, and she turned back to her orb.

"Evans is being weird," Sirius said under his breath.

James glanced over his shoulder at her, she she kept her head down. "Why?"

"I dunno," Sirius said, "She keeps... watching me."

James licked his lip and said, "Oh. Well. I dunno. Maybe she's... cheating."

"Cheating? By watching us?" Sirius hooted. "Is she trying to fail then?"

Mopsus cleared his throat, and though his milky eyes weren't really looking at them, his head was turned their direction. "Mr. Black, Mr. Potter. Your attention during the lesson would be most spectacularly appreciated."

"Yes sir," they chorused.

"Now... to charge the balls, you'll place them out of doors in the full light of the full moon next week..." Mopsus was saying.

"Bloody hell, is the full moon next week again already?" Sirius whispered.

"Yeah," James said.

It was true. September had moved through like a blur in their lives - a mish-mosh of late night talks and studying, new classes, break-ups, and general tomfoolery about the castle. Sirius felt as though they'd only just finished the full moon in one way, and in another, it felt as though it'd been simply ages since the night Remus had transformed on the grounds by the Whomping Willow. He felt a bit as though things were on a warp speed, like he'd been shoved through a time turner and the sands were passing quicker and quicker...

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