The Offers of Placement

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The Offers of Placement

After an attempted assassination of the Minister of Magic, Eugenia Jenkins, on Thursday night, the Wizarding World has spiraled into a state of panic. The Minister was working late in her office when the attempt occurred - an unidentified imperiused Ministry employee attempted to poison the minister at her desk with an evening tea. The Ministry employee managed to overthrow the imperius curse long enough to warn the Minister before the curse regained control upon her and forced by to commit a suicide.
"The Ministry for Magic is hard at work to identify the witch or wizard who has imperiused our employee," Eugenia Jenkins wrote in the press release issued from her office on the matter this morning. "Additionally, the auror office is doing a full sweep inspection of every Ministry official from top to bottom to identify if there are any others currently under the imperius curse."
In the absence of head of the department, Alastor Moody (who has recently taken up post at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry following the recent sacking of Albus Dumbledore), his second-in-command, Harold Minchum, will be leading the investigation at the Ministry.
"We will take no hesitation to swiftly and completely eradicate the Ministry of imperiused officials, we will find out who has committed this crime against the wizarding world and we will see to it that they are swiftly brought to a just punishment," Harold Minchum announced in the grand chamber of the Ministry for Magic, where he was pleased to speak to our reporter in person. "May this be a message to the one they call 'the Dark Lord': Your days are numbered. We are coming for you and any who dare work for you. We will prepare a cell for you in Azkaban - and a Dementor for you to kiss!"
The wizarding world has been sent into an absolute panic in the wake of the attack on the life of the Minister for Magic. An resurgence in sales of amulets and superstitious items of that nature followed this attempt, even as the wizarding businesses at Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, Godric's Hollow and other wizarding communities shut their doors this morning in fear of attacks against the public.
"There is no reason to fear," Harold Minchum assured us, "We should carry on, business as usual. Allowing You Know Who to think that he has affected us will only make him stronger. Open your doors, make your sales, live your lives! You Know Who feeds off fear and frustration like a human dementor himself -- if he is even human at all. We must not let him win!"
However, many witches and wizards have taken up the cry to replace the Minister of Magic, several prominent groups calling for Eugenia Jenkins to step down. There is no comment from the Minister's office on these claims.
"We are in a state of unrest," Harold Minchum said in response to the silence from our Madam Minister, "We need a leader who is strong, capable of securing the Ministry for Magic and keeping it secured."

James put the newspaper down on the breakfast table and looked about at Remus and Peter. "Blimey," he whispered.

"Why would they try to poison her?" asked Remus, "That's stupid. Why not do the killing curse and be done with it? The Death Eaters are really thick!"

Peter stared at the photograph of Harold Minchum in the grand chamber at the Ministry. Over his shoulder was a golden fountain and long rows of floo network connected fireplaces, long lime and purple banners bearing the Ministry logo hung 'round the room... "He looks very stern," he commented.

It was true, Harold Minchum's face was a firm line, his square jaw covered with a thick salt-and-pepper beard that matched his receding hairline. He had a smart suit and tie on beneath his cloak once again - a navy blue tie with lime green stripes peeked out at his neck, and in the image, he adjusted his cufflinks as he spoke, passion in his eyes but exuding an air of calm resignation to the assignment at hand.

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