Owe You Proper Snogs

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Owe You Proper Snogs

Remus ran down the hallway the way Sirius had gone, until he saw Sirius was ahead of him in the corridor. "Hey." He didn't slow. "Hey. Sirius." Still didn't slow. "Padfoot! Wait a second, stop. Stop." Remus grabbed both of Sirius's hands, forcing him to come to a halt, and - though it still felt awkward because it was still so new, he pulled Sirius closer and bent down so that their foreheads touched. He stared into Sirius's eyes at this angle, "Listen to me. A year from now, are we going to remember this as the day you got expelled or the day we finally smartened up about each other?" he asked, "I'd rather the latter."

Sirius was shaking with anger, the tears still in his eyes. "He tried to kill James."

"I know. I'm pissed off too."

"I hate him!" Sirius's voice was sharp and he tried to pull away, angry, but Remus pulled him back, staring into his eyes.

"Hey... Hey. Shh." Remus said quietly and he tugged Sirius's hands so that they were swaying side to side ever so slightly. "Shh."

Sirius said, "But Moony..."

"It's going to be alright."

Sirius asked, "How do you know?"

"Because Professor Minnie's on the case," Remus replied lowly.


"And Kingsley, too. And Pomfrey. They're all very, very smart. Much smarter than you and I. They're going to make it all alright. You just need to calm down and check that temper."

"I can't help it, I get mad and I get fired up."

"I know, and it's one of the things I love about you - you're so bloody passionate. But Sirius, you gotta calm down." Remus lifted his palm and pressed it to Sirius's chest. "That temper, it's not good for your heart and seeing as you're my new boyfriend and everything, I should like it very much if you took good care of that heart, seeing as it's partly mine now and all."

Sirius sighed and Remus felt the tension leaving him. "It's bloody entirely yours, if you want it."

"I do."

"Bit tattered," Sirius said in a warning voice.

"That's alright," whispered Remus, "I'll be gentle with it."

"Been broken loads before."

"Well luckily, I know how to cast a good mending spell."

Sirius chuckled. "Why do you always know what to say?"

"Because I'm bloody brilliant."

Sirius closed his eyes. Then, after several long moments of simply enjoying the feeling of Remus being there, so close, of feeling his forehead pressed to Remus's, Sirius murmured, "Professor Minnie's gonna curse me if I'm not in her office before she gets there."

Remus nodded, "I know. But... we didn't get to finish our 'good and proper snogging' before."

Sirius smiled sadly.

"And I didn't get a chance to tell you thank you for being brave and - and taking the chance on me," Remus said thickly. He laced his fingers through Sirius's.

"You did first," Sirius said.

"Oh so I'm the brave one, as well as the brilliant one?"

"Looks it."

"And what are you, then?"

"The good looking one." Sirius said, grinning widely, then he paused and Remus could see his eyes go playful, "Although you have a corner on that too. Bloody hell. Triple threat, you are."

The Marauders: Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now