A Girl in the Clubhouse

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A Girl in the Clubhouse

Remus was packing his things into his book bag, preparing for the night in the Shrieking Shack. He stuffed his pencils and parchment in and some sandwiches Peter had knicked for him from the kitchens, though he probably wouldn't eat them seeing as the very smell of them had turned his stomach, he still thanks Peter profusely for thinking of him. Sirius was sitting on the edge of his bed, watching everything Remus was packing. "Two chocolate fudge bars?" he asked, seeing Rey put the candy bars in his bag.

"Yeah," Remus blushed, "And I'll bloody eat'em both, too. It's a miracle I'm not fat as a pig."

"Mmm, a miracle, yes," Sirius replied, nodding and leaning back against his extended arms. "Eating two fudge bars all by yourself, yes."

James rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Remus took along an extra jumper, too, and Sirius remarked on it, "How bloody cold do you think it's going to be tonight, huh, Lupin?" he asked.

"Colder than it's been in here," he replied, "And you know me, I get cold easily..."

"You're going to be wearing two sweaters as a wolf then? Maybe one on your front legs and one on your hind ones?"

Peter laughed, "That would look funny."

Remus said, "I'm sorry, am I not allowed to take two jumpers if I'd like to?"

"No, no," Sirius said, "Take two of anything you'd like."

James sighed through his nose and stared very hard down at his textbook.

Remus finally finished up and he grabbed his Muggle Studies textbook and slid his wand into his pocket. "Alright you lot. Have a good Halloween. See you next month." He laughed at his own joke. "Bye..."

"Bye," James and Peter chorused.

"See you," Sirius replied with a bit of a smirk about him.

Remus headed downstairs, carrying his stuff and acting quite as though he were going to the library. He was halfway across the common room when Lily Evans came dashing over. She huddled close to him, "Rey, it's here."

His eyes flashed with excitement, "Yeah?"

"Yes. It came in a great big box. I know you're about to go out to the Shack, but do you fancy a peek first?"

Remus nodded eagerly and glanced over his shoulder to be sure none of the fellas were following after him. Lily led the way over to the stairs to the girls dorms. She drew her wand out and tapped the stairs announcing, "Invitavie." Nothing seemed to happen, but she waved him onto the stairs with a flourish, "There you are, Mr. Lupin."

"What was that for?" he asked, "That spell?"

"Don't you know? The girl's dorms are protected - seems Hogwarts founders believed boys were rather perverted so they've made it so a girl has to cast that spell on the stairs in order for a boy to step on them," Lily laughed, "Frank Longbottom learned the hard way not even a month ago what happens when you're not invited."

"Blimey," Remus muttered.

Lily led the way down the hall to her room, and Remus looked about. It was similar to the boys dormitory except everything that they had that was the dark maroon of Gryffindor was in gold in hers and she'd decorated it with loads of maps and photos from all over the world and a poster of a sailor kissing a girl in a city square. "I love that photo," she said, catching Remus looking at it. "I'd love to be kissed like that by a boy."

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