You're Not a Freak

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You're Not a Freak

When the sorting had ended, Dumbledore stood up and walked to the podium at the front of the faculty table, standing behind the great winged eagle that lavishly adorned it. He smiled about as the students settled into their seats, slapping new Firsties on the back, welcoming them to their houses, and McGonagall put the Sorting Hat and he stool to one side before going back to her seat.

"Who's that?" Peter asked, pointing.

James followed Peter's finger until his eyes landed on the oldest, most haggard looking man that he had ever seen in his entire life. He had more wrinkles than James thought possible, and low hanging jowls that wobbled as he sat, his face turned the wrong direction to be looking at Dumbledore... but one look at his eyes and James knew why. The man was blind, his eyes pupiless and milky white. The look of it was so haunting it sent a chill through James's spine. "I dunno," he whispered, "Not one of our professors, I hope."

"Yeah, I don't think I like him," Peter said nervously.

"Did you see his eyes?" whispered Frank Longbottom, turning to look at them. He saw James and surprise lit up his face, "You're here. I thought you got expelled?"

James shook his head.

"Dumbledore rough you up or what?" Frank joked, pointing to the tear in James's shirt.

"I'm.. er, clumsy," James lied. "Shh, Dumbledore's about to talk."

Frank clearly wasn't appeased by the lame answer, but he turned back around as Dumbledore cleared his throat and looked about. "As usual," Dumbledore began, "There's a ban on the Forbidden Forest, and the list of various pranks things posted on Mr. Filch's office door... As many of you know, there was a bit of a commotion on the Hogwarts Express this morning --" several eyes turned to James and he turned red in the cheeks, "-- and the matter has been taken care of."

Across the room, Severus Snape snorted, "Taken care of, indeed. Potter's not been expelled -- any Slytherin tried to set off a firecracker on a train and they'd be out immediately." He rolled his eyes.

"Here, here..." muttered Mulciber. "Special treatment for Gryffindors."

Regulus was staring beadily at the Gryffindor table, and suddenly something occurred to him. "Do any of you lot see my brother?"

They turned and looked. "No," Severus finally said.

"Odd," Regulus said. And he realized that he hadn't seen his brother all day. Not at the platform, not on the train...

Dumbledore's hands curled 'round the edge of the podium, "We have two new appointments on staff this year. First, you'll recognize Professor Kingsley Shacklebolt, who was your interim Defense teacher last term after the unfortunate resignation of Professor Veigler, and has agreed to officially take on the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for the term. Welcome Kingsley."

Kingsley stood and bowed.

Several people clapped. The Ravenclaws whooped loudly. They'd especially enjoyed Kingsley's logical classes. James was pleased; having Kingsley for DADA was exactly what he'd hoped would happen. Perhaps Kingsley would stay and they'd actually have a professor for more than one term!

"Secondly, is our new Divinations instructor... Professor Kostos Mopsus."

The mysterious old man wobbled to his feet, still aiming off center of the room, and stood without bowing, before the student body for a moment. The applause was limited and reserved. He sat back down heavily, leaning his cane against the table.

The Marauders: Year FourOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant