Not Just One of Many

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Not Just One of Many

Charlus carried Dora's basket of knitting on his arm as he entered James's hospital ward a little bit later. She was sitting in her chair, watching as James slept, having been given a sleeping potion. Dora held his glasses in her hands, having slipped them from his face as his chin had dipped and his head rolled into his pillow. He still held the little yellow envelope in one hand across his chest. Dora looked up as Charlus lowered himself in the seat next to her, putting her knitting onto the floor gently. "'Ello you," he said quietly, bending to kiss the top of her head and folding his lanky frame into the chair beside her. "Has he woken up at all since I've been gone?"

"Just for a little bit before they put him back down," Dora replied. She shifted her chair so that Charlus could put his arm 'round about her and she could lean her head on his shoulder and he could rest his chin on her forehead. "Looks like it's another Christmas in St. Mungo's," she murmured, "Becoming a bit of a Potter family tradition."

Charlus murmured, "At least we're all together another year."

Dora nodded and held onto his hand.

"What's that Jamesie has?" he asked.

Dora smiled to herself. "It's a get well card. From a girl."

"A girl!" Charlus exclaimed.

"Indeed," whispered Dora. "A little girl named Lily Evans with ginger hair, and, as James described them, the most greenest eyes you've ever seen." She looked up at Charlus with a smirk.

"Ohh blimey, not the greenest eyes! Oldest catcher in the book!" Charlus murmured. "Well. We always knew there would come a day... being my son and all, he was sort of destined for it... Just one of many after him, I reckon."

Dora shook her head, "I'm not so sure she's just one of many for James, dear... You should've seen him talk about her."

Charlus chuckled, "He's fourteen, Dora, of course she's just one of many."

Dora smiled to herself. "We'll see."

Charlus patted her arm. "I'll ask him about her next time he wakes up," he said. "Find out a bit more about this future daughter in law of ours," he chuckled, amused at the foolish idea of it...


Rey's eyes were closed.


He'd fallen asleep nearly ten minutes before, waiting for Sirius to finish the page they were on...

Sirius tapped him on the shoulder with his index finger, reaching 'round from beneath him. Remus had fallen asleep laying in Sirius's arms on the couch.

They'd been 'studying'. It was Sirius's idea, when Remus had said he had to muddle on the Transfiguration holiday reading assignment and Sirius had wanted to relax and muff about instead, he'd come up with the idea that he, Sirius, ought to sit down on the couch and spread his legs real wide-like and then Remus would sit in the hollow of him and Sirius would look over his shoulder and they'd read together. Well, the reading together bit had lasted as long as it took for them to discover that Rey read at a very fast pace and Sirius at a very slow pace so that Remus had read all of the page twice before Sirius had read it once.

"Moooooooony," Sirius murmured in his ear, "Moony-kins."

Remus stirred.

"Oh you like being called Moony-kins, do you? Wakes you up does it?"

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