Chapter 14

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Sorry for the late update. I had to update CH first because otherwise this chapter would have been a spoiler for that one. If you haven't read that chapter, go read that first.

Happy reading!


"How is she now doctor?" Zayan asked the doctor as soon as he got out of the ICU.

"We were able to bring her back. The next twenty-four hours are critical. We need to keep her under observation so we have shifted her to the wards for the time." The doctor said patting Zayan's shoulder.

The doctor left them there and Maya looked up from the bench at Zayan tentatively. 

"What did the doctor say?" She asked him impatiently. 

His expression was of pure happiness.

"He accepted my duas this time. She will make it." Zayan said to her as if in a trance and even though she had no idea what he meant by 'this time' she smiled at him. He just need someone to listen to him and she would be there for him.

"Where's bhai? I think he's still in the mosque. I'll go tell him." Maya said smiling genuinely for the first time in days.

Before she could get up and fo she saw Fawad coming towards them.

She ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Bhai she's fine. The doctor said she is fine." She said hugging him tightly.

"W-what?" He asked her weakly as if he thought he was dreaming.

"She's fine bhai. You should go see her. She hasn't waken up though."

She looked up to see tears falling from his eyes. She wiped away the tears from his eyes and beckoned him to go towards the ward.

"I'll go tell everyone." Maya said to Zayan and left.

As she was walking through the halls to the nursery section where they would be with the baby, the past memories that she was trying to supress hit her with full force. How he had forced her, how he had touched her in forbidden places. It was very hard for her to get over that because she had kept herself in hijab all her life and never in her wildest dreams had she thought that she could be the victim of things she thought happened in another world. It didn't seem real to her and now she prayed to Allah from her heart that He would keep all the girls honours safe.

 She looked around herself and instinctively wrapped her arms around herself when she saw a male passing by. It all came back. Her helplessness and his animalistic behavior. It just took her being alone and her demons would come to accompany her. Would she always be like this around males now? He had destoryed her.

The whole time Zayan was with her she hadn't thought about that. Maybe it was because she felt like he was silently reassuring her that it would be fine. She hadn't been able to meet his eye after everything but she had tried to be there for him when everyone else wasn't. She had listened to what he had to say about Areesha as a silent gratitude for doing what he had done. She had felt very small at that time. She was scared that he might judge her on that.

Heck how would she ever be able to look at him. At times, she was so scared that he might mention it to someone else like Areesha or his mother and her parents would find out.

Telling Fawad was one thing but telling her parents about it was completely another. Even though her grand parents were against coeducation and the education of girls, but her father had made no compromise in her education and so she couldn't tell him that he had somehow made the wrong decision even though it was directly no one's fault. But she knew how her father was. He would blame it on himself. 

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