I'm not dead...

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Assalamu Alaikum people!

I missed you all! How are you all doing? It's been a very long time, I know and I owe you people an explanation for that.

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who has read this book since then and everyone who takes the time to message me to start writing again. I never thought I'd go MIA for so long when I started writing because as a reader I also hate it when writers do that. I had a very important exam so I stopped writing because then instead of studying I'm thinking about the next chapter and I can't focus on studying. Regardless of that, this book has never left my mind and I actually fall asleep by thinking of new scenes and plots for my books (seriously!)

So before I start writing again, I genuinely want to know how many of you are still interested in this story and remember what was going on. Most of you may have forgotten the nitty grittys of what was going on. I've got plenty of new plots cooking in my mind as well so I'm not really sure whether continuing this story will be worth it or not.

I've been thinking about this for a few days now and whenever I open wattpad to write a chapter, I get the worst 'writer's block' ever. So it all depends on your feedback now.

Also, I will be starting a book on Salah (Prayer) in a few days Inshallah. It will primarily be about importance of prayers and not skipping them. 

So looking forward to your comments!

Jumma Mubarak! Allah Hafiz!

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