Chapter 32

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 Zayan's heart was beating abnormally fast with fear. The fear of losing yet another person in his life. He might not love her that way but the fear of her dying engulfed him causing shivers to run down his spine.

He snatched the bottle of pills from her hand and threw them on the floor harshly and watched them clatter on the floor. Maya flinched and looked up at him in shock.

He didn't know why but he had a sudden urge to embrace her, to feel her and know that she was okay. And he did just that. He pulled her into a hug and tightly wrapped his arms around her body.

"What were you doing Maya?" His voice quivered as he hugged her tightly to his chest. He didn't care about her reaction. He didn't give a damn if she thought of him as a disgusting person for touching her that way. All he could think of was the pills in her hands.

"Why do I keep losing every person in my life, Maya? You can't leave me too. You just can't fucking do that to me Maya." He said with his voice thick with emotions as his eyes teared up. Why always him?

"Z-Zayan, what are you talking about? I am not going anywhere." Maya said, feeling bewildered.

Her shoulders touched his broad chest as he had his arms around her. Her face was pressed to the side of his neck. Her heart beat picked and she swallowed deeply. It felt so intimate but she was scared that is she moved even a little he would get mad again and think that she didn't trust him at all.

"Stop lying to me Maya. Just because I fucking yelled at you, you decided to do this to yourself? Don't find the easy way out." Zayan hissed at her and released her from his embrace as he thought what would have happened if he had been mere seconds late.

The image of Leya lying on the hospital bed, pale and lifeless flashed in front of his eyes and a tear rolled down his cheek. He had prayed for her life and health but the Qadar of Allah decided otherwise. All his sleepless nights flashed in front of his eyes when he had cried and pleaded for her life. And here was Maya, taking her life for granted. How could she do that?

"What was I doing to myself? What the hell are you trying to say?" She asked frowning. Even though he looked kind of scary when he was so mad, Maya was not the one to back down. What was up with him all of a sudden?

"You think I am a fool? How can you get so low Maya?" He spat at her with anguish in his eyes. How could she do this to him?

"What are you trying to prove Zayan?" She raised her voice now. He was speaking in riddles that she couldn't solve. He was not even talking to her earlier, so what happened to him all of a sudden? 

"These pills. Were you going to give up already? I thought you were stronger than that." He scoffed and Maya's eyes widened as it dawned on her.

"Are you out of your mind Zayan? Are you trying to say that I was going to end my life? How dare you accuse me of such things?" She said outraged. That's what he thought of her? It hurt in an inexplicable way. She wasn't weak.

"Don't lie. I saw you taking those pills a second ago." He gritted out. He never thought she would fall so low.

"Those pills?" She laughed bitterly. Zayan stared at her, not being able to make anything out of her attitude. 

"Those pills are for depression not for suicide." She said to him and his expression morphed in realization. She wanted to slap some sense into him. How could he think so low of her? Did he think that she just cried about everything?

"No. You are lying to me," he said shaking his head furiously. She didn't have depression so why was she having pills for that? "You wanted to overdose yourself."

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