Chapter 45

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Maya rushed out of the apartment wanting to run away from there without looking back. The noise in her head was coming back and it was too loud this time that it was overpowering her thoughts. 

"Salam, doctor sahiba," The building's guard greeted her. She had somehow adjusted to this life. This place had become a sort of home. Even the guard knew her. She had advised him a cough syrup once and since then he would always greet her. 

She rushed past the guard without replying and almost ran towards her car. She had to get away from this place.

Her hands shook as she opened the car and collapsed on the seat.

How was he married? How could he be married? He was her husband.

She put the keys in the ignition and recklessly reversed out of the parking lot.

She had always been scared that she was doing injustice to him by denying him his rights as her husband. But she never thought that he'd go and marry somebody else. He had said that he wasn't ready yet. Then why did he go marry somebody else?

She flicked away the sweat forming on her forehead. It was winter so why was she sweating this much? Beads of sweat dribbled down her forehead and she fumbled with the AC turning it on on high. The cold air from the AC blew on her face as she shivered a little. 

How could Zayan do this to her? When she was finally accepting him as her husband with whom she had to spend her whole life. Why did he do this to her?

It's your own fault. A voice from within told her. It's your fault.  She shook her head at the voice. A drop of sweat rolled down her cheeks. Or maybe they were tears? She wasn't sure. 

Fawad didn't tell you anything? Zayan's voice echoed in her head. 

Fawad didn't tell you anything? 

How could her brother do this to her? 

She angrily honked at the car in front of her. When the car didn't move, she honked again. The driver of the car looked out of the window and aggressively pointed at the red light. She stared at the red light and then the cars around her. Everyone had sopped. Suddenly the light turned green and the cars sped past her. She couldn't move but she could see the cars speeding past her. When horns blared around her, she was pulled out of her reverie and switched the gear, accelerating the car as it jolted forward.

The cold air from the AC blew on her face making feel cold but she didn't have the strength to turn the AC off. She had already forgotten to wear the sweater but she didn't care. 

She remembered how Zayan hated the cold. She shook her head to remove the images from her mind. 

In anger she turned the AC to full. She loved the cold.

She pressed her foot on the accelerator to go faster but the thoughts didn't leave her.

The car finally stopped. she shivered in cold as she stared at the builiding she had stopped at.

Her brother's office.

She glanced at the digital clock of the car. She had no idea how she had gotten here. She hadn't been thinking anything. Her mind was blank and she had automatically driven here. She didn't remember taking the decision consciously. As she raked her brain, she did remember breaking a signal while she had been driving.

She looked around for her phone. She had forgotten it at home.

She stepped out of the car with grace, her gait confident despite her inner state. The valet recognized her and immediately stepped forward and took the car's keys from her. 

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