Chapter 43

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The rain tip tapped outside and its sound filled the quiet room. The only other sound was the sound of the keys as Zayan's long fingers swiftly moved across the keyboard of his laptop. 

It was nearly 12 AM at night and he was preparing an important case for the next morning's hearing. His laptop was open on his lap and his files and books spread across the bed.

In irritation he scratched his neck and blew out a long sigh. A small frown decorated his forehead as he stared at the document open on the laptop screen trying to figure out something. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

A shiver ran down his spine and his fingers were freezing. Rubbing his hands together to bring some warmth to them, he looked around the room as the cold spread its claws.

He got up and moved to the window from where the chill seemed to be coming from. Moving the curtains apart, he glared at the open window as cold air hit his face. 


He shook his head. He had no idea why she loved the winter cold and how she could enjoy it. He snapped the window shut and closed the curtains.

Running his cold fingers through his hair, he sighed looking around the bedroom.

He found Maya's shawl discarded on the foot of the bed. Grabbing it, he wrapped the colorful shawl around himself. 

God, how he hated the cold. 

It smelled like her, he thought as he caressed the soft material of the wooly shawl as it provided him warmth.

He sat back on the bed and turned to his laptop feeling a little eased.


So engrossed in his work, he hadn't noticed Maya stepping into the room until she placed a steaming cup of coffee on the bedside table. He looked up at her and stifling a yawn.

"Thanks." He smiled. How did she know that he needed this so much? 

He wrapped his fingers snuggly around the cup and stared at the steam drifting from it. Even its aroma was making his senses wide awake.

"Why are you wearing my shawl?" She questioned humourously. He looked odd with the colorful shawl.

"I was cold." He shrugged. "And why on earth would you leave the windows open?"

"I forgot." She said sheepishly, making him shake his head. "Do you want me to get you a sweater?"

"No this is comfortable." He said, unconsciously bringing the shawl closer to himself as its scent engulfed his entire being.

She nodded and grabbed her night cream from the bedside table.

"Do you mind the lights on?" He asked her, glancing at the wall clock striking 1 AM. He took a small sip as the warmth spread to his core and he sighed in contentment.

"No, I'm good." She assured him as she rubbed the cream on her hands. She was so used to sleeping with the lights on back from her medschool days that sometimes she wouldn't be able fall asleep in the darkness on normal nights.

Zayan nodded and turned back to his work. He absent mindedly sipped on the coffee she had gotten for him and scratched his head flipping through the books he had open in front of him. He had gotten stuck on an important point and he couldn't figure out the amendment that could be used there.

With a heavy sigh, he snapped the book shut and turned to the next one. His shoulder muscles were sore and there was a kink in his neck. Running a hand through his hair, he let out another sigh.

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