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Another story guys! Not sure when it's going to come out so please don't ask that. I just wanted to share it with you guys. Please let me know what you guys think! 

"I hate you so much." She said as she pressed her lips to his.

Tears leaked from his eyes and dribbled down his cheeks. She could taste his salty tears on his lips but she stood their emotionless as myriads of emotions crossed her heart each breaking it into a million pieces that would never find each other again and be one. Thunder struck in the skies and the clouds cried loudly, their tears making the whole world depressed and sad.

She hugged him tightly all of a sudden, frightened of the roars of the thunder. She had forgotten for a moment her fear of the man she was embracing so tightly. In that one moment, she seeked the security of his arms forgetting everything.

As soon as the anger of the thunder quietened down, and she had regained her senses, she remembered her own anger and pushed him away. The clouds were still crying loudly but she was too. The only difference was he didn't know that she was crying too. He never would.


You think you choose love, but it's love that chooses you. You don't choose the pain, but the pain chooses you.

Of Broken Hearts and TearsWhere stories live. Discover now