When you fangirl

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You were reading a fanfic about Mercy 76 when they kissed and you shrieked so loud that the people across the street heard you. Karkat came in the room to see what was happening and you handed him the fanfic and he just stared at you the rest of the time

You were reading a smut of Arrmau and it was very smutty at the one part you were reading and you left your phone on and you want to bathroom and Tav came in and saw what you were reading and was very concerned about why you were reading it" uH WHY ARE YOU UMM READING THIS?" he asked. " Because it's adorable" you reasponded. That answer only left him even more confused and concerned.

You were watching Steven universe when Steven and Connie fused and you were so happy and it was adorable and sollux came in the room for attention but you told him to Shoosh up and continued to watch the episode.

Before you meet you basically ship septicplier for so long that you made a shrine in your basement. After you meet him you took it down and made it a secret in your closet. Which he found.

You showed gamzee the videos of the amazing Phil is not on fire and he also ships them together and now you talk about Phan a lot and that's not all ether . You also made a shipping book on why they should be together

Gerida and Spamono was all that you ever talked about and so one day he looked it up and was shocked by seeing all the pictures that you had you had a whole folder dedicated to them. And so you burned them because he forced you to.

Homestuck boyfriend/girlfriend scenariosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang