Becoming friends

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So once again you found yourself in the same park as before but this time you have a reason. You were waiting for your new acquaintance Kankri. You planned on meeting up again after he has caught that speedy rascal you later found out was Mituna. After a while the troll stroller up and took a seat next to you. "S9rry f9r 6eing a little late. Mituna decided t9 g9 skating again with9ut his vis9r again and needed t9 6e reminded 9n h9w danger9us it is t9 n9t wear it," he explained. You just nodded as he kept going on about how he had to stop Mituna AGAIN from getting hurt or causing others to get hurt. That's when you had to ask " do you like everything just shushed and take in the view?" You asked. He stopped and looked at you dumbfounded. He was confused but after a bit he got what you were trying to say. He chuckled a bit and replied " s9rry i tend t9 ram6le fr9m time to time. If I trigger y9u in any way just let me kn9w and I can remain quiet." You shock your head and just looked at the people going by. With in the silence you realized that you actually needed his commentary to keep the awkwardness down. " Kankri you may continue to talk. Its boring without it," you replied. He smiled and just started to talk about literally anything and everything. Time passed after a while of him talking and you had just fallen asleep on his shoulder cause what he was talking about wasn't that interesting but you liked the company and basically white noise. It was soothing to you.

After a while of holding onto this random girls number you called her and made plans to meet up. She kept wanting to meet at strangers locations like sketchy bars or strip clubs but you settled on meeting at your place instead. When she showed up she had a short skirt and a top that barely covered her bra. The first thing she did push you back onto the table behind you and she started to remove her shirt. "No that's not why I called you here," you replied frantically trying to get her to stop. She did and looked confused. "楽しい時間に会いたくありませんでしたか?"(did you not want to meet up for a good time?)  She replied. You shock you head no and she stepped back for you to stand on your feet and not be on the table. "I wanted company cause it gets lonely," you stated. She stared at you for a bit but then she made a face of realization. "私たちはセックスではなく友達としてたむろします。あなたがしたいならいつでもできます."(we hang out as friend, not sex. though we could always if you want to) she replied. You both then sat on the couch in a silent awkward state. After a while you both got used to each other and talked for a while.

You at some random bar for your friends birthday and it was pretty late at night. You were going to go get another drink when you spotted someone you recognized. That long horned troll from that one time. You walked up to him sense he was alone this time. "well well, we meet ag1an doll face. how's 1t cook1n?" He asked with a charming smile. You laughed at his silly choice of words. "Its a friends birthday and I'm getting a drink to help get though it," you replied to him. He chuckled and you both walked to the bar. " tell you what doll, 1'll buy your next drink only 1f you s1t here for a wh1le and chat 1t up," he asked. You thought about it before agreeing. He then bought your drinks and started on a long conversation about him and his friends and all the crazy things that has happened to them. "and then h1s lusc1ous came home and 1t squealed so loudly and we made a run for it but Cronus got caught and he had to clean up all the gl1tter and broken glass," he stated and you both laughed. Suddenly your clearly drunk friends came up to you can started complaining about you not being there. You then sighed and left to go drive your friends home. You later texted Rufio almost the rest for the night.

You both agreed to meet up IRL to have your epic battle you planned on having. You decided best place would be some junk yard so the police don't catch you. Once you arrived you noticed he was already there. He looked at you jaw dropped. "Y0u'r3 50 4ttr4ct1v3! Why th3 h3ck d1dnt y0u t3ll m3 y0u w3r3 h9t! 1 50 w0uld h4v3 br0ught y0u s0m3 pl4c3 n1c3r, l1k3 4 c4f3 0r 50m3 5h1t," he commented. You laughed but got ready to rumble. "W04h n0w, l3t5 c4ll 1t 3v3n 4nd 1 8uy u5 50m3 f00d 1n5t34d?" He asked. You thought about it and agreed cause food sounded like a good idea instead of hurt knuckles and bruises. So instead of having a brawl you both ended up at a local café. " 50 y/n, 0ut 0f 4ll th3 p39pl3 h3r3, wh0 l00k5 the 345135t t0 tr0ll?" He asked. "Do you want my honest opinion?" You asked. He nodded like a child. "You seem the easiest to me," you answered. His smile dropped and he pouted. "H3y th4t5 n0t funny," he argued. You laughed before taking a look around this time. "Probably the guy in the corner. He looks like a greaser from grease which is literally from like the 40's look. Mituna gulped before glancing over. "P55t, I kn0w th4t guy and h3's a r34l j3rk th4t 0n3," Mituna whispered while trying to hide himself. You looked at the guy again and he was talking to someone you didnt recognize but they looked familiar. They looked like they were having a good time so you just ignored it. "Mituna we could always just like go somewhere else if you want," you offered. He nodded his head rapidly before basically booking it out. You looked at the guy one more time before following Mituna out.

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