Creepypasta A.U

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He I feel like he would be Jeff. He would murder people for fun and be a over protective boyfriend.

She would scare people with her eyes so no flirting people. But your friends also don't like her. So you have to stay away from them while your with her. But that's a risk your willing to take in order for you to stay with her.

Tav(Ticci Toby )
I think most people saw this coming. He would tic and that's what causes his stutters. He would commit arson but for the sake of you.

Sollux(BEN (obviously)
He would obviously be BEN there's no doubt. Anyway he would would send you memes of himself and when your sad he would freak people out.

She would have tea party's and she would invite you. But when something stops you from getting to her tea party. It would be taken care of one way or another.

Kanaya(Dr. smiley)
She would be a "professional" remake people's faces. If some one was rude she would cut their face off and re model it without them being on any meds

Terezi(laughing Jack)
She would do a really creepy smile and scare people off. It would be easy for people to be scared of her. She had that ...look that's said'I will kill you in your sleep' but she was a big softy to you at least, and if that didn't work she would offer them candy

She would be really good with time. She would plan things out at times that will be exact. She would also plan people's deaths that just so happen to happen to be the times as your dates

He would be cold to others that are not you. You were like his happiness so when your sad he's sad and mad. He's clingy and protective of you and wouldn't be afraid to show his scary side to others

He would be sweet and perverted at the same time. It was weird but you love him for him. He goes by Gamzee and Gamgam like there two people but one body. They would be protective AF so be careful and don't question when your friends start to disappear.

He would be shy and cold to people, but with you he is soft and always flustered. When people pick on him you stand up for him. He would be a bit mad. Not at you but at the guy. If it was him getting picked on he wouldn't be as harsh but when it comes to you he will be clingy. Something bugging you he would listen and then resolve it

Feferi(lost silver)
She would love to bring you random Pokémon from her game. It makes you smile. Some times she would lose her arms and you would do a search party for them. You would spend a whole day looking for her arm when really she was off killings people for your protection using her arm in which case would be holding her trident.(lol I see her holding her trident and then ripp by her arm off and hitting people with it

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