When they pick you up early from school

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You were in your chemistry when you were called to the office. You saw the nubby horned troll standing there." So how'd you do it" you asked." DO WHAT" he replied." Get me out of class.""I TOLD THEN IF THEY DIDNT LET YOU OUT I WOULD CUT THER BULGES OUT""oh lovely"

You were waking to lunch when you saw tav wheel himself up the school ramp at the back entrance." Who's that" some of the girls asked one another." That's my matesprit"
You replied. You then walked up to him." Why you here tho" you asked." i UM CAME TO UM GET YOU OUT OF THE PLACE YOU ALWAYS COMPLAIN ABOUT" he stated."iF ITS OK"" Im always ok with it" you then proceeded home.

You were about to fall asleep in math you saw the board freeze and a bee was on it and the speakers started to play never going to give you up. You started to laugh and everyone else was confused. Sollux then strutted into your class and picked you up." Miss (l/n) what is going on" your teacher asked" Thee's leaving the thchool." Sollux replied for you. You then walked out of the school with you in his arms."by the way I changed your gradeth tho there all A's" he said after.

Your changing into your PE cloths and walked to your group. You then heard a large explosion and saw EQ." What the heck EQ" you asked."D--> your here for t00 long." You then got changed and walked to him and proceeded home and called the ready of the day sick. EQ also had the fix the wall.

Your in social studies when your phone goes off. You then asked to go to the bathroom and pulled out your phone.
Gam:wHeN WiLl yOu bE HoMe
You:in about 4 more hours.
Gam: ThAt's tO LoNg :(
You:what do you usually do when I'm not home.
Gam: wAiT FoR YoU
You: I'll be home soon
You then got excused because your aunt "died"

Your in science looking at the board when you saw ed looking threw it. This surprise you and you asked to go to the bathroom." Hurry up y/n" the teach said. You then went out side." What the heck do you want""Wwell I wwas wwaiting for you but noww wwe can leavve" you the returned the pass and said you didn't feel nice and left the school.

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