Catching feelings

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F/n- friends name

He thinks he started to catch feelings when you took a nap on his shoulder, but his theory wasn't confirmed till months later when he invited you to a pool party at his buddies house. You did your best to look hot  and had made a plan to make him jealous. It seemed easy enough. When he arrived at your house/hive his jaw dropped. He blushed from ear to ear. "9h my g9g l99k at y9u. T-that is highly inappr9priate attire," he commented while avoiding your eyes. You chuckled but walked to his car. "We gonna go or what?" You asked with a sly smirk. He stood there for a moment shocked and bewildered that some one could look so hot and cute at the same time. Suddenly a cat call whistle was heard. "Hey Kannie, you got yourself a good lookin one.  Might havwe to steal em awvay from you," a greasy troll shouted from the car. Kankri glared at the troll and blew a whistle that you didn't even know he had. "Cr9nus, y9u were way 9ut 9f line. N9w ap9l9gize t9 y/n," kankri scolded. The greaser scoffed and sat back down next to the other person in the car. The other person looked familiar almost as if you knew them in another time but you didn't think too much into it. And hopped in making sure to stay really close to kankri and away from this Cronus. Kankri slide his shirt onto your lap to cover you up and he had a slight red tint to his cheeks. You smiled at the gesture and thanked him. Once at the party you set up your things and got ready to put your plan in motion. You suggested that you all play spin the bottle. At first Kan didn't want to play but once he saw Cronus playing too he just jumped in. A few rounds went around till it was Rufio's turn and he landed on you. Going with the games rules he had to kiss you. Kankri watched him walk over to you and give you a light kiss. It was at that moment that he realized he hates every moment of that. He was mad at Rufio because he wanted to be the one kissing you not him. Thats how he decided he HAD to have liked you.

She had invited you to her club, yes her club, she wanted to introduce you to her staff and strippers. Something inside of her secretly didnt like that you were going to be seeing almost naked men and woman but she pushed it aside, for now. The night started off with her bringing you in with a fancy night club outfit. She had a short red sequins gown with a slit on the leg. She also had her hair up in a bun with two strands in the front like she normally did. "Nē, watashi no sutaffu o shōkai shitai to omoimasu. Bā no soba de mattekudasai," (Hey, I want to introduce you to my staff. Go wait by the bar) she said. You agreed and walked over to the bar and took a seat. Not many people were there but a girl did sit in the very last stool. She was clearly drunk but you just ignored her. She was mumbling something about a boy and a toad? You weren't gonna ask but you were definitely interested in this story. You decided to move a chair closer to hear what is actually going on. Tuning into her story you leaned a little closer to get the full story. "Stooooopid jerk. Don't know a girrrrrrl evn if it boked hm on the head," she slird and mumbled. You slowly put the piece together and she must have been rejected or dumped, but what does that have to do with a toad? "Mamaaaa always said kissing frogs would make themmm a price, Or was it toads? Noooo they give yo warrrrts if they peeeeee on you. I don't wanna be peeeeeeeeeeeeeed on," she whined and sobbed. You tried you hardest to not laugh. You suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around it was Damara. She waved and took a seat next to you.  "Damara you gotta get a load of this girl," you whispered to her. She looked at you curiously before looking at her. "Kanojo wa dōdesu ka?," (what about her?) She asked. " She thinks that men are toads and that they are going to pee on her," I chuckled. She laughed a little and in broken english said "kinky." That had you laughing now. " That gross Damara," "Nē, kanojo o hajinaide," (Hey, don't kink shame her) "Kink shaming is my kink," you laughed. Now you both were laughing. She looked at you laughing and smiling and something insode of her just melted and felt warm. She wanted to see you smile and laugh like that all the time. Thats when she knew she wanted to be with you.

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