First fight

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Warning nasty language. You have been warned.

Karkat wasn't in the best mood today and you weren't ether."ALL I ASK OF YOU IS TO STAY HERE"he shouted louder then usual."OH YA YOU THINK IM JUST GOING TO STAY WITH MY UPSEAT MATESPTITE HERE SAD CAUSE IM NOT" you then left the house leaving a even sadder kk"FINE I DON'T NEED YOU ANYWAY" he then became more sad without you.

(You and tav fighting? Never in a million years)

You wanted his attention and his computer was taking it all away."Hey sol can you stop hacking for a moment and pay attention to your matesprite right now" you asked."Why would I do that. Your fine right now" he replied back. You then got up and went to the living room. "I have shows to watch anyway". You then watched some Steven universe."Y/N CAN YOU THTOP UTHING THE INTERNET FOR A WHILE" he asked."CAKE OFF WOULD YA I NEED SOMETHING TO ENTERTAIN ME AND NOW YOUR KICKING ME OFF""THEN LEAVE IF YOUR BORED""MAYBE I WILL""FINE GO AHEAD I WONT THTOP YOU" you then walked out and left in the rain and thunder.

You were done cleaning the house which evolved you cleaning the dishes,washing windows,making beds,vacuuming the floor,wiping tables,and cooking food. You finally got time to rest and relax. Eq then came in."D--> why do you always sit on the couch all day"" um what are you talking about I just sat down""D--> every time I'm here your always right there on the couch. Do something productive with your life"" I legit cleaned the whole house and now I'm being accused of being lazy"" D--> maybe I am"" well then I guess I'll take my laziness somewhere else then" you then left.

He went sober that day."Hey gam have you seen my phone I can't find it""Do yOu mOtHeR FuCkInG ThInK I WoUlD KnOw yOu bItCh."wow I just asked bru. No need for sass""WeLl mAyBe yOu wOuLd fInD It aT ThE DaRk cArNiVaL" he then swung at you with his club"chill out" you then left before you ended up dead.

"Hey have you seen my moms neckless it was on my desk" you asked him."Oh that old thing. I threww it awway""you did what now""I said I threww it awway.""THAT WAS MY MOMS YOU BAKA""HEY DON'T GO YELLING AT ME. BESIDES I THINK SHE WWOULD UNDERSTAND AND BUY A NEWW ONE""SHES DEAD""Oh" he then looked guilty." I could" you then interrupted him"save it" you then left the house and trudged threw the snow.

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