Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning with my hair in a tangled mess and an ache in my neck. My hand still grasped Leo's with no sign of letting go. He still hadn't woken up, and I started to get the feeling that he never would.

I sat next to Leo for a few more hours before I decided to go home, take a shower, and put on some fresh clothes before I would go back. When I was in the shower, my brain went into some sort of a panic mode.

What if he never wakes up? What if he dies? What will I do if he does?

I finish showering and quickly put on a pair of jeans and an old sweatshirt. I then head back to the hospital.

I walk through the door, go down the hallway, and into Leo's room. Dr. Shultz must have came in while I was gone. A plate of pancakes and a glass of water were waiting for me on a tray by my chair. It was very generous of him to make breakfast for me.

A note was left by the plate of hot food. It read:

Ms. Winslet-

Thank you for looking out for Leo. Enjoy the pancakes.
-Dr. Shultz

I sit down and start to enjoy my meal, checking on the monitor to make sure that Leo's heart rate was steady.

I was about half way through my pancakes when the alarm on the monitor begins to blare. I looked at the screen and noticed that Leo's blood pressure was dangerously low and that his heartbeat was slowing.

I yelped in fear. I gripped Leo's hand and whispered, "You can't die on me. Not now."

No doctors showed up for a few minutes. Leo needed help, and he needed it fast. His face was getting pale and I could hear his breaths become short. There was only a matter of time before he could possibly die.

"HELP!!!!!" I shouted as loud as I could. "I need help in here! Something is wrong with Leo!"

A few seconds later, Dr. Shultz bursts through the door. He goes to Leo's side and does a quick examination on him before turning to me.

"I'm going to need you to step out for a while," he tells me.

Before I release my hold on Leo's hand, I softly say, "I'll never let go. I promise."

I then exit the room and walk to the lobby without looking back.

This Love (Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio Fanfic) Wattys 2017Where stories live. Discover now