Chapter 9

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It was well past midnight before Dr. Shultz finally came out to see me.

"Mr. DiCaprio is improving very well. He just woke up if you would like to see him."

I immediately speed back down to Leo's room and burst through the door. Leo looked up at me and smiled like the car accident never happened.

I walk to Leo's side. We stare at each other for a minute before I lean down and kiss him. It was the most romantic moment that I have ever experienced.

I let go, breathing heavily. I then speak before he has the chance to.


"Hey," he responds.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better than I did earlier."

"Good. What happened?"

"What do you mean? I got in a car accident."

"I mean, how did the accident occur?"

Leo was silent for a moment. I was afraid that he would never answer my question. He then exhales before he says, "I was hit by a drunk driver. Dr. Shultz told me everything as soon as I woke up."

I let the news sink in for a minute. Who could have done this? Did the person get drunk and hit Leo on purpose? Or was it an accident? I had many questions in my head that might not ever be answered.

A suspect then came to my mind. Could the drunk driver possibly be someone I know? Could that person be Ned?

This Love (Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio Fanfic) Wattys 2017Where stories live. Discover now