Chapter 12

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The next 2 days flew by as the jury finally came back with their decision. Leo and I arrive at court, hoping to hear that Ned was guilty on all charges.

I sit down behind Leo and Mary as I suddenly got nervous. What if the jury finds Ned not guilty? What if he gets away with what he did?

The jury assembles in the courtroom and the judge enters. Everyone stands as he approaches his chair and sits.

"You may now be seated, except for you, Mr. Rocknroll."

Ned stays standing as the rest of us sit down.

"What does the jury find?" the judge asks.

The head of the jury stands to read the verdict.

"We find the defendant guilty on all charges, your honor."

"Very well then."

Whispers spread throughout the courtroom as I smile. You're not getting away with this now, Ned.

"I will return with the sentencing soon. Court is dismissed until that time comes."

I stand and hug Leo while saying into his ear, "This will all be over soon. I promise."

"Well, at least we know that he will be going to jail for a very long time."

I look over Leo's shoulder and notice Ned giving me the most ugly death glare I have ever seen. Leo sees the worry in my eyes and takes my hands in his.

"Don't worry. He won't be able to bother you for the rest of your life. You're free."

He was right. I am free.

About an hour later, the judge returned to the courtroom with the sentencing.

"There is not denying that Mr. Rocknroll committed this crime. He should be ashamed of himself for almost killing an innocent man, not even knowing what he was doing. I hereby sentence Mr. Ned Rocknroll to 15 years in prison with not chance of parole. This case is now closed.

He pounds his gavel as Ned is handcuffed and is taken away, never to be seen be anyone in London ever again.

Justice was finally served after weeks of pain in both Leo and I. We finally got the reward of being free.

This Love (Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio Fanfic) Wattys 2017Where stories live. Discover now