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New Orleans

Day - Lafayette Cemetery

Celeste lead her tour guide group through the rows of tombs as Laurette  followed with te group, smiling slightly.

"Each tomb is well cared for" Celeste explained, gesturing at the tombs. "Families honor their dead with display of affection and respect"

Laurette stopped walking suddenly, a girl knocking her shoulder, glaring at her but Laurette paid no attention, slowly looking toward a tomb labeled 'Deveraux' sensing something shift in the wind, focusing her hearing as she ignored Celeste's explanation about the tombs, narrowing her eyes.

"Is someone there?" There was a faint whisper coming from the tomb.

Laurette stepped back cautiously, looking toward Celeste as the woman noticed the uneasy on her sister. She gestured at the tomb, "This place belongs to the Deveraux family, known throughout the Quarter for their strong connection to witchcraft. And if you look close, these fresh bricks tell us someone in the family has recently fallen"

A desperate scream interrupted Celeste's speech leaving the tourists disturbed by the noise. Celeste's smile never faltered. She caught her sister's eye and winked at her as the bricks exploded from the inside of the tomb for what the sisters identified as magic. A girl stumbled out of the tomb, coughing out the dust.

The tourists looked frightened, though some began taking pictures with their cameras.

Celeste was unperturbed by this revelation, walking closer, kneeling in front pf the newly resurrected girl, smiling gently. "Hello, Monique. Welcome back to the land of the living"

Laurette looked at the girl, suspiciously.


Tourists photographed Monique's empty grave as Celeste, Monique and Laurette stood inside the crypt.

Sophie ran inside the crypt, looking around frantically until her eyes met Celeste and Monique in the middle of the room waiting for her.

Laurette was hidden in the shadows, watching them quietly and curiously.

"What is it?"  Sophie asked nervously "What's going on?"

Celeste smiled, looking at Monique "It's a miracle"

Sophie looked toward the girl and gasped in shock, placing her hand in her mouth, "Monique?" She couldn't believe her niece was alive, running up to her, hugging her tightly, feeling like crying again, ectastic to have her niece in her arms "You're alive!"

Monique reluctantly returned the embrace, seeming more apathetic and less enthusiastic than her aunt.

Laurette frowned upon this, glancing toward her sister.



Celeste and Laurette walked down the the street, giving her own sister a tour over the city that changed too much.

However, Celeste couldn't help but feel they were being watched. Dhe glanced at Laurette as if to ask this but Laurette was already looking up at her, frowning.

Celeste shook her head at the girl, taking a deep breath, stopping, turning around. Laurette stopped walking but didn't turn around, gripping her locket tightly between her fingers.

Behind them stood an Original vampire both girls knew well and why Laurette didn't turn around.

"Elijah" Celeste greeted. Laurette froze, her lips moving without sound in a spell. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The Fifth Witch |The Originals|Where stories live. Discover now