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French Quarter - New Orleans

Laurette understood what the Mikaelson's were going to do. It was sad but it was the only way to protect the their baby.

Laurette sighed sympathetically, looking over at the memorial wall placed on Rue Dumane at one specific name in the wall, pursing her lips, looking away.

Baby Mikaelson.

It was all for show, she knew. They had to let everyone believe that Klaus lost his child. It was sad knowing he and Hayley had to send their daughter away from them to keep her safe. It was the noblest thing she had seen the Hybrid do and for that, she respected him.

Her eyes found another name as people gathered around the wall to pay their respect to the lost lives, frowning slightly in sadness and disappointment seeing Abigail's name as well. She had been such a sweetheart all this time who got corrupted by her own people.

She heard Francesca giving a speech about all the lost lives and all she could do in public was glare at her while trying to keep her magic in control. It was hard enough to know she could be having a bounty price on her head after all she had done against the ancestors to keep herself as indifferent.

Laurette had a part to play. That being the one of the resurrected witch who never helped the Mikaelson's. If she wanted that baby safe, she had to act as if she hated the vampires.

Hard to do considering all she has done for them and vice versa. She couldn't hate them.

But she was trying to keep a good show.

Laurette couldn't help but feel disappointment when she found Oliver, a werewolf she knew was good once upon a time and had been loyal to Hayley and her pack. It was sad to her not being able to do anything to keep people good and not tainted by evil.

She failed once with her sister, then the next with Abigail.... She won't fail a third nor a fourth again. She needed to be there for the baby and her newfound friend.

Laurette sighed, tearing her eyes away from Oliver and with one last look to the wall, she stepped back and walked away under the saddened eyes of New Orleans people.

Laurette shoved her hands on the jacket she was wearing, turning around in a corner, smiling slightly

"Hey, Laure" Alex greeted with a slight smile, leaning against the wall as she had waited for Laurette to turn around. She had on sunglasses which she took away her face and put on top of her head.

"Alex" Laurette paused and smiled softly "I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done for me"

Alex shook her head and linked her arm with Laurette's as they walked away through the French Quarter.

"You don't have to, you were right about everything and you've saved me from a cruel path the witches would have taken me" Alex told her honestly "I'm the one who has to be grateful with you" 

Laurette smiled "And here I thought you will hold a grudge for replacing you" she teased with a small smirk

Alex chuckled "I would have but your letter didn't give me much of a reason..." She raised her eyebrows.

Laurette laughed slightly in agreement and then sighed "Thanks for helping me yesterday"

Alex tilted her head aside "I wasn't about to let a baby getting killed" she said seriously "And besides, Genevieve deserved being knocked down for me"

Alex smirked.

Laurette shook her head sighing "Anyway. Thank you"

Alex smiled "No problem, new friend"

They smiled at each other, walking away.



Thank you all so much for having read this story! It makes me happy to know it was liked.

As you can tell for what Laurette thinks in this chapter that this isn't the end of her journey. Yes, you heard right. There's gonna be a Second Book...

*Claps* Thank you, thank you *bows*

I'm still working on the details but I assure you that you'll get to see more of Laurette. Cause, come on... Who doesn't have questions on how she cheated death for the second time? How was she resurrected in such a small amount of time?

I'm letting you all to express your theories. It's easy people. You can figure it out, I'm sure.

And again, I thank you all and everyone who has commented and voted. I never knew a little 200 year old witch will have such fame....

As for Laurette and her love interest. I still have no answer. Neither for Alex. I have tried with Elijah and briefly with Kol but I get stuck. Romance is not my thing.

It's probable there won't be a couple in this book because honestly, who wants to see the failure shipping of someone aromantic like me?

Anyway, I'm so glad for every one of you who were patient enough to see me edit this book. And those who knew what was going to happen (raise a hand if you read before I edited), you're the best.

~*Peace and Out,

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