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*French Quarter - New Orleans*

Laurette wasn't certain what had happened but something was clear, something bad was happening on the Other Side. She didn't know what it was yet but she'd work on it later. Today she had a funeral to go to.

Laurette watched quietly as Father Kieran's casket was placed in a horse carriage as the parade on his honor began.

There were hundreds of community members around the streets assisting on the procession.

The jazz music playing put her at ease as she accompanied the Mikaelson brothers walking down the street among the people.

She had the feeling at one point the Mikaelson brothers would find out what was happening in the after life, which she did by stalking them.

The Other Side was falling apart. It was just a matter of time before it disappeared completely and she along with it and for some selfish reason Laurette didn't want to die.

Suddenly, the sky darkened considerably on the street making Laurette stop and look up.

Lately, since the Other Side began shattering, the world her and other spirits could witness had been visited by some dark force absorbing the wandering spirits into oblivion.

Laurette could feel her heart pounding in fear as she whirled around in her feet, looking for any signs of danger. It hadn't been the first time she had seen a ghost being absorbed by the that dark force and she was sure it wouldn't be the last. However, she didn't want to be part of it, having done everything in her power to avoid it.

She hoped that time wasn't her time. She wasn't ready to die.

Laurette had seen other spirits interact with each other after the Other Side started to fall apart and since that dark void showed up, there were ghosts protecting each other from that force but she knew it and had seen it happening. She had seen how quickly they threw away their protection when it came to their lives (No pun intended). As soon as they were in danger, they betrayed each other and tried to save their own asses.

That's why Laurette never wanted to be around another ghost, she didn't want to but she knew as soon as she got into that position, her self-preservation would kick and she would betray anyone around her. She didn't want to feel more selfish than what she already felt.

Laurette sighed in relief when the sky turned back again to normal, looking back at the funeral, starting to walk down the street among the people, slightly nervous.


It wasn't not too long later when the sky darkened again.

Laurette had been walking close to Klaus and Elijah, not really paying attention to what they were saying, her eyes on Hayley, specially when she began to cough and wouldn't stop. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to make her way to her to see what was wrong when it happened and everyone disappeared.

"Really?" Laurette groaned in disbelief as she looked at the empty French Quarter Spirit World.

Laurette sighed in fear, backing away, seeing her new friendly friend (Note sarcasm) Dark void getting closer to her.

"Gosh" Laurette murmured, "Get the hell away from me"

Laurette started to run away, stopping hesitantly when she heard someone screaming, turning around seeing a woman struggling to keep herself on the ground.

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