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French Quarter


The tension grew after Laurette fought back against Monique. Neither girl spoke to each other again. Not even Abigail who talked every chance she could to break the ice, trying to befriend Laurette but after her reveal of being the reason Alex was still dead, she stopped trying.

Davina felt pity for Laurette. Here she had no friends and thanks to Monique, her opportunity to befriend Abigail was long gone. Laurette was alone. She knew that felt horrible. And Laurette had done nothing against her and they had gotten along, which is why she had invited Laurette with her after leaving the greenhouse.

Laurette felt grateful she wouldn't be alone. She also needed to relax after her anger. It was strong and something she had never felt before. It scared her. It helped Davina was nice to her.

Both girls walked down the street.

Davina glanced at the quiet girl and silently assumed she could trust her. Here someone who didn't know her at all had defended her against who used to be her best friend. She saw how tense she was and how she snapped. Davina also knew the feeling and there was just one person who could help her relax. She hoped he also helped Laurette.

The girls walked into a pub, looking around.

"Lovely" Laurette remarked, eyebrows furrowed.

Davina chuckled, looking around, grabbing her arm, "It is. Come on. I see him"

Davina lead both of them toward a booth with a guy with a hood up his head.

Josh was a recently turned vampire. He had been under Klaus' compulsion until Marcel found out and took him to Davina to take away the compulsion. They both had easily become best friends. He was under hiding as of now because he had helped set a trap to Klaus and almost caused his death. To say he was scared out of his mind was an understatement.

"See who?" Laurette asked in confusion, seeing they were heading toward a guy trying to remain inconspicuous.

Davina smiled "Josh!"

Josh looked up, smiling "Davina!" He noticed Laurette at her side, bitting her lip. He looked at Davina in worry "Who is she? Why bring another witch with you? What are you doing out here? I would have met you anywhere you wanted. I mean, not anywhere Klaus or Marcel would be, which could be pretty much, you know, anywhere. But, you know what I mean"

Davina smiled slightly, looking between Josh and Laurette "Josh, this is Laurette. She's a resurrected witch" she looked at him pointedly. Josh nodded in understanding "She's nothing like the others and I know she's trustworthy. She was born in the 19th century"

Josh raised his eyebrows in surprise "Wow. Nice to meet you Laurette"

"Nice to meet you, Josh" Laurette smiled slightly still angry of what happened in their magic lesson as Davina was though she tried to remain calm.

Josh noticed they both looked upset "Hey" He furrowed his eyebrows in concern, looking between them. "You both okay?"

If Davina thought Laurette was someone you could trust so he would treat her as a friend too.

Davina exhaled slowly in anger "It's Monique. She has no idea what I went through when I was dead. The ancestors hated me for what I did with my magic. I can't just start practicing again" She sighed, looking at the other girl in shame. "She also tried to kill Laurette this morning" Laurette rubbed her arm, comfortingly. Josh's eyes widened. Davina shook her head sadly "I knew I shouldn't have trusted Marcel when he told me to go back. I don't know how much more of it I can take"

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