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Mikaelson's Compound - Studio

Laurette sat on the floor, candles surrounding her as she chanted softly, the candles flaring up slightly as she concentrated.

Elijah walked in silently, observing the young witch.

Laurette felt a presence behing her, opening her eyes. The fire extinguished from the candles. "Did you know it is not wise to disrupt a witch doing a spell with fire?"

Laurette looked over her shoulder, tilting her head.

"I did" Elijah answered, nodding curtly. Laurette looked away, starting to gather the candles. Elijah observed her in silence for a moment, hesitantly "I need you to help me find your sister"

Laurette stopped, "That's not part of our deal, Elijah" She said simply, shrugging. "But what it is part of it, is helping you find your siblings, make sure they're okay and then you kill me" She gestured at the candles sarcastically, "I was doing that, by the way when you so rudely made me lose concentration"

Elijah sighed, "Listen, Laurette. I want you to hear me" Laurette rolled her eyes, gesturing at him lazily, standing, picking up the candles "Celeste has taken Hayley. You helped me once in saving her from your sister. Are you gonna let her hurt her this time?"

Laurette frowned in conflict, slowly placing the candles on the table. She sighed after a moment, "I can't let you hurt my sister"

Elijah sighed hating what he was about to do to the girl but knew it was necessary to save his family "I know you care about your sister, but does she care about you?"

Laurette looked at him, incredulously "Bien sûr she cares about me. How dare you think otherwise?" [Of course]

Elijah sighed, tilting his head "If so, why isn't she looking for you? You're technically a harvest witch. You are supposed to be with those of your kind. And yet here you are. Do you want me to continue?" Laurette didn't answer. Elijah nodded slowly "You have seen what your sister is capable of nowadays. And as I'm sure you have realized, she's not the same woman you and I knew back in the 1800's" Laurette looked away, turning her back to Elijah, the action working as a confirmation to him "She's capable of manipulation, she will manipulate everyone around her like how she has done for the past 200 years and then she will jump to another body leaving the others powerless and she still hasn't reached out to you which means she may leave you alone living a life you clearly say you don't want"

By this time, Laurette's eyes were filled with tears and a few others had rolled down from her cheeks.

"She won't do that, Elijah" Laurette told him firmly, gulping slightly "I refuse to believe she would do that to me and to the other witches"

Elijah walked to the silent crying girl and placed a chair next to her, sitting down quietly, taking a piece of paper, a spell itched with ink on it "It there may be a way to make sure she doesn't leave you or your people again. Here" he handed her the spell "This is from my mother's grimoire. Celeste used a similar spell to body jump. If what Sabine says is true, when she sacrifices herself, all of her power will flow back into the earth. However, if she has lied and tries to take another body, this spell will deliver her to a very different destination, leaving all of you alone" Laurette looked down, eyeing the spell critically "Now, please locate your sister"

Laurette pursed her lips, sensing the manipulation as she glared at him but she was curious. She wanted to know where her sister was, why she hadn't reached out to her. She closed her eyes, nodding slightly.

Elijah stood, picking up a map, placing it on the table in front of her.

Laurette bit the inside of her cheek as she grabbed an athame.

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