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*New Orleans - Spirit World*

It was dark and empty. Much worse than the first time she had spent two centuries in there.

Laurette could see the living moving on without a care in the world and she was fine with it. She was right into saying the witches would soon forget about her as they had quickly forgotten she even existed. But she had really underestimated two witches.

Alexandra Eveerden and Davina Claire.

Neither one of them seemed to let her go. Laurette could be around the Quarter seeing the living and walking among them when she felt a pull towards one or the two witches as they never stopped thinking about her.

It was one of the reasons she couldn't leave New Orleans. That and because it seemed like she had some unfinished business in that place. She was glad that it wasn't because her body was consecrated on New Orleans' grounds, she had Elijah to thank for that who right after she died, he picked her up and buried her body somewhere outside the city. Laurette could see the reason why. He was following her last wish but didn't take her that far away from her home out of respect.

It was... Nice of him.

However, being pulled back to the place that gave her too much heart break was frustrating for Laurette.

Walking along the streets of the French Quarter, Laurette couldn't help but feel guilty as she gazed a casket being lead away in an Irish-styled wake.

It had been her fault that Klaus had to kill Father Kieran. Thanks to her blood, the man turned into a vampire. He killed her and if it weren't for Klaus, he'd have killed the other woman, Camille.

Laurette shook herself away from those thoughts, walking among the people, pretending they could see her, that she was still alive, listening the Irish music blaring on the wake.

Laurette watched people sharing stories of Father Kieran and couldn't help but smile a little as she stood alone at Rousseau's.

She clearly had forgoten how lonely death could be.

Laurette scanned the place and noticed Klaus sitting alone looking haunted, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion being the first time she saw such an image on him. She jumped from the stool she had been siting and started walking towards him wanting to stalk him to figure it out what was troubling one of the most powerful supernatural creatures on earth when she felt a pull.

Laurette rolled her eyes, focusing on the feeling sensing the pull was coming from.

The Greenhouse.

The witches's favorite place to summon her.


When Laurette appeared on the Greenhouse, she found herself being surrounded by Davina, Abigail and Alex, all three of them setting out ingredients for a spell.

Her eyes settled on Alex for a couple of seconds and couldn't help but feel proud of her for not letting her coven to push her over.

Alex smiled "So, a seance? That's what you've been playing around with while I was dead?"

Davina shook her head, chuckling "And much more"

Davina was glad to have her friend back but she couldn't stop thinking about the witch replacing her and how much she missed her. Someone who had become a good friend in a small amount of time.

Abigail, on the contrary couldn't help but feel wary of what they were going to do, "I don't know if the ancestors would like us messing around in the spirit world"

Both Alex and Davina rolled their eyes.

Laurette made a face, still invisible to them "It's just a simple spell"

"It's just a simple seánce" Alex told her whilst preparing the spell making Laurette smirk.

Monique, standing a few feet away from them made a face grabbing some herbs from a shelf "Phony witches do seánces to impress tourists. They're not real!"

Laurette glanced at Monique, now realizing she was there too, making a face.

Monique walked away from the greenhouse.

Alex pursed her lips as she watched her go and couldn't help but agree with Laurette in her letter about her changing. She was glad about hearing her warning.

Davina placed a violin in the middle of a circle she had drawn in chalk earlier on the table where salt and herbs in various quadrants had been scattered.

"What's that for?" Abigail asked curiously.

Davina smiled nostalgic "It's my friend Tim's"

Alex bit her cheek while taking out a piece of paper putting it on top of Tim's violin. Davina and Abigail paused seeing her doing that, giving her a questioning glance.

"I want to meet the girl who thought it was okay to keep me dead" Alex told them emotionlessly but it was all an act for Abigail.

Alex didn't want her best friend to know why she wanted to talk to Laurette. Not after realizing she was brainwashed by their coven into thinking killing the baby Mikaelson was okay for them. Not after erasing her memory about telling her she was against their coven. All Alex wanted was the opportunity to get to know Laurette.

"What are we waiting for?" Alex asked, looking between them, raising her eyebrows expectantly.

Davina bit her cheek, nodding slightly. She wanted to see Laurette too, the girl who became her's and Josh's best friend.

Abigail still looked wary and hesitant.

Davina nudged her slightly, smiling "Come on! What's the point of being a witch if we can't use our magic for stuff like this?"

Abigail sighed softly, nodding slowly in agreement.

The three girls held hands in order to share their their magic for the spell.

"Elikopte fantomes soliter mouri, vous reveler..." Wind started to blow around them as they chanted.

Davina cut her palm with an athame, hissing lightly in pain, letting some drops fall on Tim's violin and the letter.

All of the sudden, the candles blew out which scared the girls. 

Laurette looked around frowning as if sensing something off.

"Tim?" Davina called out nervously.

Laurette shivered lightly as a violin song started playing around the witches. Her eyes flickered towards the windchime near the window as it started to play. However, her eyes widened when she saw a blond man appearing behind Davina.

"No" Laurette gasped in realization. Spirits couldn't see each other in the Other Side.

Something was very, very wrong.

The man raised his hand, touching Davina's shoulder from behind.

Davina turned around to face him.

The man smirked, "What a delightful tune"

Laurette pointed her hand at him, having the feeling he wasn't good "Stay away from her"

Davina turned around at the sound of her voice.

Alex gasped in shock, seeing Laurette for the first time. "Laurette"

Laurette glanced at Alex and Davina, focusing her magic on the man. 

Davina, Alex and Abigail watched both Laurette and the man disappearing and as soon as they did, they screamed in terror as all the windows around the greenhouse shattered violently.

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