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Mikaelson's Compound - Studio

Laurette sat on a chair, watching the sunlight over the window, holding a knife.

She knew her sister's lunar spell was over. Elijah and his siblings were supposed to be free. That if a witch hadn't manipulated the spell.

Either way, her part of the deal was over. She helped Elijah with his family.

A woosh sound from behind her made her look over her shoulder, seeing a blonde head vamping upstairs.

Laurette looked away, nodding slightly, eyeing the knife. "Your turn to do your part, Elijah"

She'd wait for Elijah to kill her. But she was ready to do it herself if he backed out of his word.


Elijah was nowhere to be seen, and Laurette was taking precious alive time from Alexandra, the girl she replaced.

Laurette stood, waving a hand over the room, "Vestiaire"

She spelled the room so no one could hear her or smell her blood once she stabbed herself. No one was going to stop her. Not even Elijah himself as she heard him walk in, greeting the other vampires.

No. Laurette had waited too much.

With that thought, Laurette raised the knife to her stomach, closing her eyes, sensing her hands trembling, about to stab herself when she felt a rush of air in front of her, feeling something hitting her hands, throwing the knife away, gasping as she felt a hand touch her cheek. 

"What are you doing, love?"

Laurette froze hearing a British voice she hadn't heard in a long time, not opening her eyes "I'm killing myself"

"And why would you do something like that?" Laurette slowly opened her eyes seeing at the hybrid who sent people to slaughter her and the people she grew up with.

Klaus' eyes widened slightly in recognition.

Elijah walked in, having heard his brother rush inside the room but after that, nothing. It was an unnatural silent, a work of a witch he assumed, remembering the only witch in that roof was Laurette, worried his brother would do something to her and confused of why Laurette had spelled the room. The answer came to him as he noticed a knife embedded on the wall from where Klaus hit it away from her.

"Niklaus?" Elijah asked, glancing between them and the knife "What are you doing?"

Klaus stepped back from Laurette, looking at his brother, "Brother, why do you have a suicidal witch under our roof?"

Laurette crossed her arms, avoiding Elijah's eyes.

Elijah showed no reaction, looking down at Laurette, "Laurette?"

"We had a deal Elijah" Laurette reminded, looking up "You weren't here so I wanted to deal with it myself"

Elijah sighed, looking between her and the knife, "And you couldn't have waited a while longer?"

Laurette didn't answer.

Klaus raised an eyebrow, looking between them "What's this deal about, Elijah?"

Elijah didn't answer.

Laurette looked at Klaus, tilting her head, "I help Elijah find you and your sister. I did. And you look okay. That was my part of the deal" She looked at Elijah, "His is to kill me"

Klaus raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Elijah frowned, not wanting to do his part. His lips parted when he found a loophole in their deal. "You're right. You did help. However, they're not okay. They're just safe, not okay as how you worded your deal. I can't do my part if you didn't yours, can I? I won't kill you

Laurette looked at him in betrayal, now just realizing how naive she had been by promising they'll be okay after Marcel's revelation. And Elijah knew this.

He used her. Laurette again was used.

Niklaus chuckled in amusement "You gave your word Elijah that you would kill a girl who in your eyes is a child. Come on brother you don't kill children do you?"

Laurette looked away, taking a deep breath "Is that true?"

Elijah gave Klaus a look, walking closer to Laurette "I have no intentions on killing you"

Laurette breathed a humorless chuckle "So you lied to me and then used me. Typical of a vampire when he needs a witch" She glared at him, pursing her lips, "I told you I don't want to keep that girl from living anymore. She doesn't deserve it"

Niklaus looked at her in surprise "What did you say, love?"

"I was resurrected along Genevive, Bastianna and Papa Tunde" Laurette answered simply. Elijah shot her a warning look. Klaus blinked. "I'm like you would call the fifth witch" she looked back at Elijah, desperately "Kill me"

Elijah shook his head "I'm not doing such thing, Laurette"

Laurette laughed slightly bitterly, raising a hand to them "Fine, I'll do it myself" she inflicted a painful spell on them making them grab their heads in pain, twisting her wrist to break their bones, walking to the wall, grabbing the knife. "I'm not taking value time of that girl"

Laurette stabbed herself, the magic used to restrain them and the cloaking spell from the room disappeared with the pain, gasping, holding her stomach with both hands, falling to the ground, closing her eyes as she welcomed death, feeling the knife being pulled away from her stomach. The sensation sent a white hot pain up to the tip of her toes, whimpering. She was ready to be reunited with her sister, with their ancestors until she felt a metallic taste on her mouth being forced to drink it.


Elijah held the girl close to him as he watched the injury of her abdomen healing. He felt himself relax hearing the girl's heartbeat slowly steadying back to normalcy.

He wasn't about to let her die on his watch

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