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New Orleans

LYCEÉ - Garden 

 It was never her plan. 

Laurette had no reasons to back on her word but somehow she accidentally did. She had been testing out a new spell and needed a few herbs, walking to the greenhouse when she heard them talking. 

Laurette pursed her lips, stopping at the entrance, hearing Klaus and Genevieve talking. 

'When are you going to get tired of your harlot and leave us alone, bastard?' Laurette thought to herself, sniggering.

Laurette made no noise but wouldn't deny she was curious and that's what doomed her. 

Curiousity killed the cat after all. 

Unfortunately, satisfaction couldn't bring it back this time. 


St. Anne Church

There was no words to describe what Klaus had done for Father Kieran. He had turned him to a vampire. 

Laurette thought it was nice. It made her almost want to forget all the bad Klaus ever done and change her views on him. Almost. There was no way she could ever forgive him for what he did to her family. 

However, there was still a doubt running through her head. It was almost too easy the way they had gotten rid of the hex. Was it really gone after turning to a vampire? Was he really worth transitioning to a demon if he still had those murderous thoughts in his head. 

Maybe Laurette wasn't the one who put the hex on him but she was still a servant of nature. She believed she had to do something to help. And if that meant help Father Kieran from his own demons, so she'd do it.

Laurette walked inside the church hesitantly, a shiver running down her back seeing the place empty. It looked creepy. 

She wasn't a really religious person because back then people thought witches were demons and if they stepped in sacred ground, God was going to burn them. She may have been naive but she was afraid God didn't like her. 

Ahead, sitting in a pew along was a blonde woman. 

Laurette breathed a small sigh, walking closer when she heard someone walking down the stairs, stopping when she noticed Father Kieran walking closer to the woman. Laurette stopped, looking at him intently, searching for any signs of the madness in him. 

"Have you changed your mind?" The woman, Camille asked hopefully.

Laurette frowned slightly until she saw it. It was a flicker on his expression, a shadow passing through that made her curse lowly. Of course turning wasn't going to end the hex. It took root not only in his humanity, it took root in his mind. Everything he was and settled within him. 

"Yes, it appears I have" Father Kieran answered, smirking darkly, pulling out a knife. 

Laurette pursed her lips. 'Not on my watch'. She raised a hand to him, willing her magic to cooperate with her "Tome"

The knife flew from Father Kieran's hand straight to her. 

Camille and Kieran flinched startled, following the knife's trajectory with their eyes toward the young girl. 

In his delirum, Kieran confused Laurette, growling in anger, "Bastianna" 

Laurette blinked startled at the anger, catching the knife in her hand, hissing in pain as she caught it from the sharp end when she got distracted. Immediately, she thew the knife away, seeing the blood dripping down from her hand, wiping it on her shirt, looking up at Kieran whose eyes were locked in her bleeding hand. 

The Fifth Witch |The Originals|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora