↣ Chapter 2

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I step further into the living room and my parents stand up looking directly at me. My father looks me up and down before sighing in relief.

"Thank god you're not hurt!" He says throwing his arms in the air. "You realise you could of been hurt."

"You've trained me since I was 5 years old, I think I can handle myself." I say shrugging then removing my shoes and placing them by the front door.

"Melody-" my mom says walking up to but I hold out my hand to stop her.

"I love you both, a lot. But I don't want this talk with you every time I walk through the door 5 minutes past curfew. I'm not 10 anymore, I'm 18 years old!" I say throwing my arms in frustration.

I feel the heat rising up my throats and I fear for what I would say. My parents don't deserve my anger. As they try to continue I throw my shoes back on.

"Melody please, stay here." Mom says trying to reach out for me. Father comes at me too but I stand up straight holding my arms up in the air.

"I can't, I promised James I'd help him out with Jessie. I'll be back by midnight, but please don't wait up and don't worry." I say giving them a small smile before opening the front door and walking out.

I walk down the corridor and pull my jacket tighter to my body. I greet people as I pass and try not to think of the fact that they will tell my parents where I am.

Everyone in the pack is so loyal to my parents, they love them. I'm glad I don't have the weight of the pack on my shoulders because it's just too much.

I finally make it to Oli's apartment and knock on the door frantically. I glance at my phone screen and see it's just gone 10pm.

It's late but I have to talk to somebody. James is busy and I don't want to bother Mikey right now. I know he has a mate of his own to take care of.

I jump as Oli throws his door open, he looks at me through half closed eyes. He is wearing a pair of pj trousers and his hair is disheveled. I woke him up, great.

Nice going dumbo.

"Babe?" He croaks as he opens his door wider allowing me to pass him into his apartment. His eyes follow me as I walk into his small cozy apartment.

"Hey Oli, sorry to bother you but I had to get out." I say rubbing my face with my hands.

"Hey hey, it's okay Melody!" Oli says closing the door and bringing me into his embrace, his arms are strong and I have gotten so use to being in them, so why does it feel confining? "What's up babe?"

"Just stuff, I'm fine just...um wanted to see you." I say trying to smile up at him, he gives me a smirk and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"You can stay as long as you want babe." He says rubbing my back soothingly but tonight it feels weird, like it burns my back.

I shake my head and ignore it, maybe it's because I'm angry. I need a run, my wolf hasn't been out for a while. Training has taken up a lot of my time recently.

'Not our mate.' My wolf says angrily, she has always been silent when I'm with Oli because she is angry that I'm not waiting for my mate. 'Need run.'

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