↣ Chapter 4

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I slowly make my way around the ballroom wall towards where my father stands laughing with some other men and their mates.

"Father!" I shout as I get close enough, he turns his head towards me and smiles graciously.

When I'm close enough he pulls me into the circle of men and introduces me "gentlemen this is my daughter Melody! Her twin brother Mikey shall be taking over as Alpha next week!"

I smile and shake hands with all the strong Alphas, the atmosphere in this circle is strong and quite intense. Good thing I'm of Alpha blood otherwise I think I would of panicked.

"Uh father," I say finally getting to talk to him alone for a minute "mom has just gone to take the boys back-"

"It's okay!" The familiar feminine voice makes me jump from behind me "I'm back, Tracy has got them!"

"Well thank you Melody!" Father laughs taking my Mom's arm "now wait here, the Royals are about to come in."

I can't help the nervous shiver that creeps up my spine at his words, I shake it off and reply with a nod.

Suddenly my father's head guard, Paul, stands at the top of the stairs to the grand entrance to the ballroom.

The stairs are like from Cinderella. Two doors either side with a set of steps in front of each on a high balcony. Then on a middle balcony the stairs meet. From there straight down is another larger flight of stairs.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce your highnesses Alpha King Russell and Luna Queen Kate!" He says loudly before stepping out of the way.

The whole crowd bursts into a fit of loud applause as the trumpets play loudly and the grand doors both sides fly open revealing the wolf King and Queen.

I'm surprised by how extraordinary they actually look. On the left The King has his crown resting proudly on his head of grey hair. On the right the Queen has her tiara placed on her flowing dark black locks.

I watch utterly mesmerised as they walk down the two staircases and meet in the middle. They greet each other with a smile before linking arms and turns to face us.

Everyone bursts into rounds of applause as they bow then move to the left. Everybody turns to the right side top door, I look around confused.

Did I miss something?

Paul comes back out from hiding and shouts "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I now introduce your highnesses and future Alpha King, sir Jayden Beaumont."

The grand doors open revealing a man of god-like quality. His shoes are formal and his trousers match the black of his shoes.

He's wearing a white t-shirt which allows me to faintly see his amazing drool-worthy abs and chest.

His jaw and cheeks bones are sharp and well defined. His mouth is pink and moist, ready to kiss. His face is bare of any beard or moustache.

His hair is jet black like the darkness of night, it's short on the sides then long and waved on the top. It falls over his eyes and he flicks it away flawlessly.

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