↣ Chapter 26

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'Time flies when you're having fun.'

I scowl at my own thoughts, although this is true it also means the exact opposite.

Time is cruel.

It slows down when you don't want it to, it takes your feelings and crushes them into a million pieces.

Time slows as I'm dragged away towards my dreadful fate by these two large men.

I knew where I was going. I was going to the testing room today, James walked in front of us swinging the handgun in the hand.

He was tormenting me with it, I can see it in his eye as he looks back at me. The smirk on his face is evil and grows when he notices me glancing at the gun.

A disgusted shiver shoots through my spine when I look at his pleased face.


It's not long until I am being pulled into a room but instead of being put on the chair I'm tied tightly to the wall.

My arms and hands are tied to the wall so they are touching the cold tiles. My legs are tied up too tightly so I let out a wince of pain as they tighten it even more.

There is a chain around my waist and I can feel it digging into my sides. I snarl at the man who tries to tighten it even more.

He grins evilly at me before pulling the chain once more. He steps back and stands behind James.

I stare at the devilish man who stands a few steps away from me. His eyes are showing his excitement and there is no sign of remorse at all.

"So, little wolf I think it's time we added a few questions into this experiment don't you?" He says holding the gun in his right hand a bit higher.

I don't reply or even change my facial expression. I just stare at him.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smirks and raises the handgun until it points to me. "Let's start with normal bullets shall we?"

Nothing. I'm not giving him anything. He can kill me for all I care.

"What's your rank in your pack?" James asks calmly looking at me.

The silence fills the room as I continue to stare straight into his eyes. My face is emotionless and I try to ensure my eyes show no feelings.

"Have it your way." He says and he pulls the trigger.

I flinch and bite down on my lip hard to stop myself from screaming as the bullet pierces my leg. My eyes close on their own accord as I try to hold in my pain.

I will not allow them the satisfaction of seeing me grovel in pain. I am stronger than that. I have to be.

I feel the hard material in the flesh just below my knee and I itch to remove it. The pain soon subsided slightly and I open my eyes to, once again, stare at James.

My eyes flicker to Baker as she walks over to me with a large pair of tongs. She ducks down and digs out the bullet hidden in the freshly cut wound.

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