↣ Chapter 18

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Consciousness finds me the next morning in Jayden's bed unlike when I fell asleep in.

The first thing I notice is Jayden fast asleep on the chair next to me with his head on the edge of my bed; I look around the room and smile at the sunshine outside.

I lean over and place a kiss on Jayden's head; he instantly wakes up. He looks at me with a sleep grin before letting out a loud yawn and a stretch.

"Morning princess." He says kissing my cheek then moves to kiss my lips. I smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Morning." I reply with a grin after pulling away from his luscious lips.

"So baby," He says climbing into the bed next to me. "how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, just feel a bit off I guess." I reply looking down to where I lay.

"Are you sure? Don't pretend to be alright for me, tell me the truth."

"I promise I am fine Jay and I promise that I will tell you if I don't feel alright." I say cupping his cheek in my hand.

"We were suppose to tell you at the picnic then all this happened but tonight you're parents and brothers are coming to the castle for the night!"

"No way!" I scream standing up way to quickly, my head instantly spins and I grip the edge of the bed to steady myself.

"Woah!" Jayden says grabbing me "Doc says that you will get tired and dizzy spells."

"I'm okay." I nod letting a smile find my face "So what shall we do today?"

"Well we could go out if you like." He suggests "Even though you should stay in but if I'm honest I think we need to get out of the castle. My mom is trying to find you by the way, to apologise."

I rub my temples at the thought about Kate and what happened yesterday, I don't think I want to talk to her yet.

What could we do?

"I heard Willow talking about something that's happening today." I say folding my arms in front of me.

Jayden raises his eyebrows and looks at my chest, I snap my fingers in front of him which makes him look back at my face. I roll my eyes but can't help the smile that finds my face.

"Yes there is a big sort of party thing; we do it every few months. Basically all the guys play a big basketball match while the females sit on the side having picnics and stuff." He explains with a shrug "I haven't been for a while actually."

"Lets go then!" I say jumping up but stop when Jayden gives me a stern look.

"You realise this will be the day you will be introduced to the entire pack then don't you?" Jay says gripping my waist slightly tighter.

I never thought about that but I suppose that wouldn't be such a bad thing. It's not an entire day all about me so the main focus won't be on me.

It sounds like a good idea.

"That's fine by me." I smirk and place a kiss on his chin.

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