↣ Chapter 23

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5 minutes pass since I last spoke.

5 minutes pass since the scientists heard the truth about what is happening here.

James shakes his head, snapping himself out of the trance he was just in.   He looks at me with a disgruntled face before turning around to talk to Baker.

I try to listen but I soon realise they are talking in a foreign language. The only language I know is English but I have been getting better at Latin.

They sound as though they are speaking French so I do not understand anything they say.

My mood darkens when James and Baker finally turn around, James now holds a scalpel whole Baker holdings a large professional video camera.

I watch nervously as they take slow steps towards me, as if they are assessing my next move or where they are going to use that scalpel.

Their eyes are scanning over me and I suddenly feel scared. I feel like prey to a predator that I know I won't escape from.

Mr. James finally grabs me by the arm tightly. He pushes my top up a little bit and pulls on my arm so it becomes straight.

I squeal under his hard hold. Without a second hesitation he pulls up the scalpel and digs it deep into the skin on my elbow.

I scream loud and lash out but it only causes more pain in my arm. I cry out as he pulls the scalpel down my arm and doesn't stop until the sharp blade reaches my wrist.

Blood seeps from the new wound and drops onto the floor. Soft whimpers escape my mouth on their own as the stinging pain rushes through my arm.

"Healing test 1."

I watch carefully as Baker hands him a different scalpel that looks less shiny but still looks terrifyingly sharp.

He proceeds to walk over to my other side and rolls my sleeve up. I shriek as he pinches my skin with the sharp blade.

I clench my fists tightly trying to control the cries that are desperate to escape. They burn my eyes but I will not let them see me as weak.

I know they think werewolves are 'anomalies' but we are just different. But most human beings are scared of different.

They can't seem to handle it so higher ranks of people take it upon themselves to secretly get rid of or study anything that's different to what they know.

They think I am an animal- well I am. An animal who will kill and destroy everything but little do they know we have co-exhausted with them for thousands of years.

I know so many werewolves who have left pack to go study in a all human school. They've never once been detected because we can control ourselves.

"John. Wendy. Subject 18 is sedated and back in her cell." A female pops her head in the door that the two large men are still guarding even though I obviously can't go any where.

Her eyes move form John and Wendy to look at me. Her eyes widen slightly as she watches the blood drip from my arms.

I glare at her the best I could, if she works for them then she deserves no other treatment then that. She instantly lowers her eyes.

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