↣ Chapter 19

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"Jayden! Melody!" A feminine voices pulls us from our make out session, I frown at the woman now standing a few feet in front of us.

Jay growls through our mind-link and puts me on the ground. Although he keeps his arms around my waist as he move to stand beside me.

'If you're too uncomfortable with this tell me, okay?.' Jay links me and I just answer him wth a quick nod of my head.

"Mom." Jayden greets her with a sort of sad smile on his face. That facial expression changed my mind on Kate, she's been horrible to me but I'll put it behind me for Jay's happiness.

"Jayden I wish to apologise to you for how I acted the other day." She says avoiding my eye.

"Thank you mom." He replies with a nod then I notice him gesture to me with his head. I stare straight at Kate who turns to me with a smile.

"Melody. I apologise for saying what I did to you." She says giving me a slight nod "I shouldn't have interfered."

"Thank you." I reply with the best smile I could master. I have to forgive her, after all she is the queen and my mom-in-law.

"Melody! Over here!" I hear Willows smooth voice calling me from the court field. I nod in respect to Kate and walk straight over to Willow without looking at Jayden.

I don't hear any footsteps behind me; I can't help but feel slightly annoyed at that. I shake my head and walk to Willow who is by the tables of food.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask as I reach her. She sighs loudly and shakes her head.

"No! Someone has eaten all the bloody chips already! Would you go to the kitchens and get some more please?" She asks rushing around trying to move plates and stuff.

I grab her by the shoulders making her stop. "Willow, just breath for a minute." I order her with a smile. "You're pregnant for god sake, you shouldn't be doing this so go watch the game with the others and I'll sort this out. Okay?"

"Okay." She breathes out in relief the she gives me a quick hug. "Thanks Melody, you're gonna be an amazing Queen."

I watch her waddle off to the cheering crowd around the basketball games. I smile as I watch her but I catch the glimpse of my mates sexy self on the courts enjoying himself.

I sigh before making my way to the castle kitchens. I get there pretty quickly because my mind is half asleep.

I head straight to the chips cupboard and grab a few bags of assorted flavours. I place them on the kitchen island and lean my head on the cold surface.

Out of nowhere I hear a knock on the long wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. I spin around quickly and take a few steps to the windows; I look around but see nothing.

Suddenly a couple of large rock hurtles into the window smashing each one of the giant windows. The rock smashes into my shoulder so hard that I collapse onto the floor of smashed glass.

My head was pounding and my ears started to buzz. I felt like everything around me was in slow motion and I couldn't breathe for a minute.

Nobody is around so it's just me here. That means no other casualties, thank goodness.

I lay in the floor and breathe slowly as I look around. The windows have smashed and the glass is everywhere. I feel the sting of the cuts from the glass over my body.

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