↣ Chapter 30 - Finale

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2 weeks later

'She was found dead in her room'

'What?! How did she die?'

'Nerves have eaten her alive'

I think that's a good excuse. Yes, is a great excuse. I shall tell a guard to say that to Jayden.

Urgh no it's not. Crap puffs. I can't say that.

How am I going to do this!? Why the hell did I agree two weeks ago. This is ridiculous. I'm going to be Queen today!

"I can't do this Willow." I say going to sit down on the bed but Willow is quick to push me away. I scowl at her in return.

"Don't ruin the dress! It took us long enough to get you in it." I growl in annoyance but she just smirks evilly at me.

"It's not my fault I panicked and I wasn't that bad." I cross my arms and huff.

"Weren't that bad?" She questions looking at me with amuse-filled eyes "You practically said every excuse in the book, tried to climb out the window and locked yourself in the bathroom for half an hour!"

I chuckle nervously "okay fine, I'm a nervous wreck. So maybe I should actually climb out the window  now."

"You dare. You're in you dress now and you look gorgeous Lodi, you can't back out now. Plus Jayden is waiting for you."

I let out a long whine as I walk towards the mirror, I suppose I'm becoming queen today then.

I look through the mirror and see the finished look. My dress is a light shade of white with lace around the shoulders and on my back. Then the lace pattern on the back finished with a cute bow.

My make up is minimal - at my request - and natural. My eyeliner is thin with a small cat flick at the end and the shade of my eyeshadow is only a shade darker than my skin.

My lipstick is a natural colour which easily matches the rest of my makeup. For once I look nice, not wearing leggings and one of Jays jumpers.

"Are you ready?" Willow appears to the side of me, her face is filled with happiness as she looks at me rough the mirror. "You look amazing Melody, you're going to do great today."

"Thanks Willow." I turn around and pull her in for a big hug. "I hope so. I think I'm just nervous because so many people will be here."

"I know, the grand hall is packed. Whoops! Sorry, uh I mean it's not that bad." She stammers suddenly looking shy and slightly scared.

"Okay, well let's get this thing going shall we?"

"Yes!" Willow takes my hand and we start walking down the hallways that I've finally become accustomed to.

"So tell me, how does this work again?"

"Well, you and Jayden will walk down one staircase while Russell and Kate will walk down the opposite staircase. You meet on the platform where the stairs meet, this is where the bishop will complete the ceremony and crown you. Then you walk down the final middle staircase and through the crowd. After that Russell and Kate will make a speech while you and Jay have a couple of minutes to let it sink in before you are welcomed back into the grand hall, being announced as King and Queen."

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