↣ Chapter 25

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My head pounds painfully making me wince. I clench my eyes shut even tighter and move my hand to hold my head.

I feel the dried blood straight away and internally sigh. What happened?

Oh yeah, somebody knocked me out. I remember hearing wolves whimpering and then pain on my head. There was something else I remember before I passed out but I have no idea what it was.

I shake my head trying to remember what was so important. But my head just thumps painfully instead, but I have to know what was so important.

I let out a pained groan as once again my brain beats against my skull. It hurts to just think.

I jump at the sound of my name being called. That voice, I know that voice. My wolf stirs in my mind and it hits me, like a frying pan.


How can I hear Jayden's voice? Have I gone mad? Has all their torture finally broke me mentally?

"Melody! Wake up!" There he is again. He sounds so close and I yearn to touch him. To feel his muscles ripple against my skin as he holds me. To feel the tickle of his stubble as he kisses me.

I sit up in fright at a loud scary snarl that bounces on the concrete walls of the cells. I blink rapidly as my eyes try to register the new light in front of me.

My eyes slowly start to get use to the new light and I look around.

To my dismay I am still in my rotten cement cell, it wasn't just a dream. I curse under my breath and look around again.

I stop at the anger management male wolf that lives opposite me, he is starring at something behind me and this sends a shiver up my spine.

What could be behind me? Is it dangerous?

Did the scientists sent a trap for me for when I awaken?

I gulp and turn around slowly.

The fear creeps in every second that I turn further towards the mystery thing behind me.

I hear my name being called again but my ears are still ringing, I stop what I am doing and lift my hand up to my ear.

I feel something that is liquid and thick, I cringe as I move my hand away. Blood. The red liquid stains my fingertips and I almost gag at the sight.

No wonder I still could hear that ringing. I find a corner of my bed sheet and tear of a small square, I gently wipe and clean out my ear.

Soon the ringing halts and I internally dance in joy. I can hear!

Then I hear it and my whole body freezes solid, no it can't be.

"Melody!" His voice is strong and masculine, it makes me want to run straight into his arms and hug him until neither of us can breathe.

I turn around sharply and look directly into those electric blue eyes that I loved so much.

I let a sob escape my mouth at the sight of him. It's been so long since I last saw him, my wolf is howling for him and I can feel my soul aching to go to him.

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