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I'm sitting in my room with my favorite pjs on. I keep thinking about what Riley tells me about my singing. Why? I never think of that. I go to get my guitar and start strumming a tune to get my mind off of it.
When I hear a big boom! It's storming super bad outside! Honestly I'm terrified of storms!

"Skylar! Skylar are you okay?" Emmy runs in and checks on me. "Yes I'm fine but really freaked out!" "Ok ok Lets call Riley to see if he can come stay with us since we're home alone." "Okay sounds good" I tell her as I'm curled up in my covers with some quiet music on to distract me.

*on phone with Riley*

Skylar: can you please come over I'm super scared!

Riley: you know I would but I can't get out. A tornado just went by our house and nobody is allowed to be out right now."

Skylar: "A TORNADO?!?"

Riley: yes.... Its really close so I have bad connection. Skylar!! Skylarrrrrrr!!!!!......" beep.... beep.....

Skylar: "Riley noooooo!! Don't leave me!! Please be okay!!!"

Nobody answers. There was a big crash before it hung up. Please let Riley be okay.

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