New york

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"Why? Why did they leave Emmy?" Momma Garcia is hugging Emmy while she's crying.
"I-I don't know. They said the have business and it just won't work out here." She starts sobbing.
"Please calm down. It will all be okay. Please." I beg her to calm down. It's all my fault. "I can't calm down sky. Our parents left. We've never been a REAL family and now was our chance. Now it's gone." She buries her head in momma Garcia's shoulder. I can't let this happen. Not again.

I run upstairs to Rileys room. I bust through the door. "Thanks for knocking" Riley says sarcastically. "R-Riley I need your help. I have to get my parents back." He looks confused. "Im sky just yesterday you didn't want anything to do with them.. why now?"
"Because Emmys hurt. she wants them and she's my sister. We're in this together. Please" I beg for help. I try to hold in my tears but a couple escaped and rolled down my red, puffy face. He pulls me into a hug and plays with my hair "hey now it's going to be okay. What business do your parents own and we can go from there." I push out of the hug with my hands on his chest. "I don't know what business my parents own. I've never asked." I really don't know anything about these people. Hmmm.. "well lets go ask Emmy then okay? It's all going to be okay baby we'll work it out."

When we get downstairs Emmy isn't crying anymore. But her face is all puffy.

"H-hey Em. Do you know what business our P-parents own?" It's hard to say parents when they're never really there.

"Um yeah it's SIP (Singers In Process). Why?" Riley jumps up and looks at me. "Your parents own a singing business and you haven't done anything!?" In my defense I didn't know about it. "No Riley I haven't because I don't know them." I roll my eyes. "They're your parents sky. You know them."
"Riley they're my parents on my birth certificate but in real life they've never really been there." Emmy puts her head down when I said that. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry." Mrs Garcia comes into the room and puts her hands on her hips. "Well... what are you kids waiting for? Go get your parents girls! And while you're at it sky, get a singer career." She winks at me. We pack our stuff and head to New York where they said they would be. We get a hotel and settle in.

"So don't be ashamed to wear your crown. You're a king, you're a queen this is for you. wherever you are. You're worth more than go-o-o-ooold."

"Sky you've been practicing your singing all the way here. I think you got it." That's Emmys nice way of telling me to shut up. I roll my eyes and hop on Rileys back. He looks up at me. "Can I help you?" He laughs. "I'm tired. Carry me?" "Haha okay princess." We decide to walk around New York and see if there's any singing buildings. "Please let us find one." I whisper to myself as we walk.

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