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I-i can't sing. I f-freeze up in front of p-people. I start t-to stutter. A-and freak out. Please come. Riley. Emmy. Please.

"Are you going to sing or not dear?" My mom asks not knowing it's me. "We have other clients to get to."

"Um. Um. I um." My face is turning red. Phew it's hot in here. I can't sing. I can't do it.

"Stop!!" We all turn to the back to see who interrupted (saved me) the audition. It's Riley!! "This is my client and I demand a private talk with her" he walks on stage and pulls me with him behind the curtains into the back room.

He pulls my wig off and fixes my real hair back in position. He bends down and takes off my shoes. Hands me some clothes and says "go change."

"What are you talking about?"
"Sky. We're stuck. You have to perform a song. But you are doing it as you. Skylar grace. You can do this." Is he insane? He's definitely insane.
"There's no way I'm performing. Especially as me. In case you didn't notice those are my parents out there."

"Yes sky. That's why you HAVE to do this. To prove to them that you have talent. So much talent that you can be their client and y'all can work together without moving." Woah. Maybe he has a point.

"Oh... um. I still can't perform in front of these people."

"For Emmy Skylar." He hands me the clothes and walks away. It's my sister... what do I do? I can't say no to my sister. But... I can't just face my biggest fear ever right this second.. can I?


"This is my client. Sky. Skylar grace." Riley announces. Everyone stops. I could hear the pen in my dads hand drop. My moms mouth fell open. Looks like I'm not going to be the only one who freezes up.

The music starts. We have a plan. I start singing behind the curtain. Then... when I know if they like me or not.  I'll come out..

"Ive been here in this place,
ive been stuck in this space
like a ghost that's been missing it's life.
Silent words in my mouth,
yeah the want to scream out.
And I'll leave my old shadow behind, in my heart and out of my mind."

"Stop. Thank you, thank you. We've heard enough."

I didn't even get to come out yet... I knew they would hate me. I run out crying.  They see it's me and I don't care.

I run into the street it's pouring rain. My feet are aching from walking all day but I won't stop running

All I wanted was for Emmy to be happy, that's all I've ever wanted. And now I've let her down.

"Skylar! Skylar you stop right now!!"

Riley grabs my arm. I'm soaking wet from the rain. My eyes are burning from the tears still streaming down my face like a wild river.

"Riley stop. You can't fix everything okay! I messed up. You got hurt and I couldn't help you, I can't sing at your basketball games like you want, I cant make Emmy happy, and I can't even make my parents want to live with me!"

I sit down on a bench in the middle of a park. I don't know where I am exactly all I know is that I ran and I kept running.

"Sky... you didn't mess up. Listen to me sky. You mean the world to me. There's nothing you could've done to help me when I got hurt and-"

"I know. I didn't try though."
"Skylar! I only want what's best for you! Please know this. Please let me in sky please!"

I can't. I can't do it. If I let him in I'll mess it up too.
"No. Riley I can't do this anymore"
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying. Um. I'm saying w-we're done."

I start running again and crying. I need him. I do I just can't mess things up with him. I can't take that chance. But what have I done?.....

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