Falling apart

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I didn't sleep that night knowing that my best friend could be hurt and I had no way of knowing anything until the next day.

I walk outside and everything was a wreck. Trees were in the road, light posts had fallen, it was so muddy and wet, everything was a disaster.  Emmy quickly runs in my room.
"Sky! Sky listen! Rileys house was affected by the tornado last night. We have to get over there quick!"

"ARE THEY OKAY?!? Em tell me they're okay!!" I screamed while I cried in fear.

"We don't know yet that's why we have to get over there to help! Get ready and let's go!" Emmy says, shaking because he's like a brother.

"Okay. I hope they're alright!!"

We head to Riley's house. We couldn't get out of the driveway in a car because of the gigantic tree in the way so we had to run. And by run I mean we sprinted. He's my best friend I can't lose him.

We get to the house and it's more of a disaster then our neighborhood. We knock on the door.

Rileys mom answers the door with a worried look on her face. She's like a second mom. She quickly hugs Emmy and I but I burst into the house and yell for Riley.

"Riley Garcia!! Where are you?!" I scream while running up the stairs to his room.

"Honey..." momma Garcia whispers as she hangs her head in sadness. "Riley is... in the hospital. He got hurt last night when the tornado came through, he was getting the dogs inside and... a lamp post fell and knocked him out."

"OH NO NO NO!!! I have to go see him, NOW!!!" I cry as I'm sprinting out the front door and onto the disgusting sidewalks. Emmy runs after me yelling for me to slow down. She finally realizes I will never give up until I see him.

I finally reach the hospital and ask for Riley Garcia. The sweet old lady at the desk tells me it will be about an hour before I can see him. I quickly inform her that I need to see him now. I tell her we are best friends and he means everything to me. She understand and directs me to his room.  When I walk in the doctor gives me a look that tells me it might be worse than we thought... I feel like my whole world is falling apart all at once.

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