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I'm alone in a place I don't know, I'm crying and I'm freezing. I ran away. I'm 17 now but I need someone to be with me and I want it to be Riley. No one else understands me like him, he's my best friend and I-I love him. He's been there when no one else has and now I pushed him away and i don't know if I'll ever see him again because I'm lost.

I walk into a boutique to ask for help. "

"Excuse me miss, I'm lost, where am I?"
She guides me out of the store and points to the sign.
"Were closed" and slams the door. Well thanks for the help.

I ask about 3 more people but no one wants to help me. Until I walk into a coffee shop and see this little girl about 7 or 8 with a dress on and a big black bow in her bright blonde hair.

"Hi! You look scared. What's wrong?"

"Oh hi. I'm not scared just a little tired. What's your name?"

"I'm keely. I don't have a home"
She twirls her hair in her fingers and look sad as if she shouldn't have said that.
"Oh... well I'm a long ways away from my home. What are you doing here?" I ask the sweet girl.

"I'm not sure. Someone took me when it was dark and now I'm here. Alone." A tear runs down her face. She trusts me.

"Well you're not alone anymore. You have me. Do you want something to eat?" Her eyes light up. She runs over to the cookies. Of course what little girl doesn't want a cookie? I buy her some food and we sit down.

"Can I..." she pauses and looks down at her feet. "Can I stay with you?" I almost spit out my Caramel frappé. But her eyes look so pitiful like she needs someone to love her. Maybe this isn't a bad idea.

"Sure. Just until we get you back to your family okay?"
She becomes silent again. She puts down her cookie. Did I say something wrong?

"I don't have a family. They're gone. All. Gone."

What happened to this kid?! Her family is gone and she got kidnapped?! Who did this?!

"Oh my..  well you have a family now. I'm your family. You can stay with me. Together we'll never mess anything up"

She jumps up and hugs me. What have I done?  I'm going to end up messing her life up more. I'm already a mess and I'm lost. Now I have a kid to watch and take care of. What is wrong with me.

Authors note:
Hope you enjoy! Any comments or ideas? Always open to more!

Thanks loves! ❤️

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