Chapter 12

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Ruby couldn't sleep with the events that had happened yesterday and how her anger had got best of her. She knew that she was dangerous, but yesterday she had witnessed and she was scared to harm Elena in any way.

Ruby pushed those thoughts out and got ready for a new day at the work.

Elena was just about done getting ready, when Elena had burst thought the room and announcing, "Mum, I am going to school."

Ruby nodded and watched her daughter get into Dylan's car and driving to school. Her smile shined at her daughter's happy face. She looked through her calendar and saw that she had an appointment with her regular client at a restaurant in the afternoon. She finished eating her breakfast and went to her workplace, where she finished some designs for another client.

The time flied through and Ruby parked her car in the restaurant's back. She had locked the doors and a high pitched scream was heard from the nearby wildness. She thought the last time that she went to help someone in need, which that had led to Dylan and Isaac. She contemplated what to do, when another scream was heard.

That time her wolf stirred, Ruby run behind the bushes and saw a boy around 16 holding his hands up and the swallowed face from all the beating that he had endured.

Ruby stopped saw the other man and lounged on the culprit's back and her instincts kicked out. She took her werewolf nails and ripped his heart out. The body dropped to the ground and once again, she was holding a heart on her hand. She dropped the heart and went to the boy.

He looked dosed out and Ruby was about to take to a hospital, when she was thrown on a tree. Ruby moaned in pain and looked at the intruder and it shocked her to the core.

In front of her was Jeremy with white eyes with red veins around it. He looked angry and Ruby understood that he was protecting the injured boy. Ruby knew that he was someone special to Jeremy.

She was about to explain the situation, when Jeremy stood in front of her and holding her neck. He lifted her up by the neck and squeezed through, which Ruby's oxygen supply was cutting short. Ruby tried to say something, but she couldn't and Jeremy was beyond livid. Jeremy was almost successful to kill her, but he had dropped. Ruby could her few mummers but the darkness started to take whole.

Ruby woke up with few whispers around her and feeling something soft underneath her. She blinked few times till her eyes were adjusted. She started to sit straight and looked in front of her. She had detected Jeremy and the boy who was injured, but he looked healed.

Ruby was confused on how that was possible, that's when she had smelled that both of them were vampires. Ruby touched her head to stop the pounding going inside of her and looked around, she was in a room.

She felt a bed dip besides her and looked at him with narrowed eyes. She realised that was the boy that she had saved and asked concerned, "Are you okay?"

The boy said, "Yes, thank you for helping me. I was alm—I am Prince Alessandro, but you can call me Alex"

Ruby realised that Alex was Jeremy's son. She showed a genuine smile and said, "Nice to meet you. My name is Ruby."

Alex was about to say something, when she heard Jeremy's loud voice, "I am sorry. I thought that--"

Ruby interrupted, "I understand. He is your son; I would have done the same."

Jeremy sneered, "You wouldn't know."

Ruby frowned by his reaction, "You are not the only one that has a son, Jeremy."  Jeremy was surprised by her outburst. She continued with a smile, "I have a beautiful daughter."

Ruby then realised that she had told about her daughter, and thought that the vampire in front of her would take advantage of her. Ruby's wolf surfaced by knowing that her pup could be in trouble and said, "If you harm her, I will kill you."

Jeremy was passive and said "You don't need to worry. I would never use your daughter against you, as I have a child of my own."

Ruby nodded and her wolf calmed. She announced, "I need to go."

She stood up, even against Alex orders and she almost walked away, when she connected her eyes with her reflection. She went near to the mirror and saw a handprint on her neck. The five digits were marked against her neck.

Her eyes turned crimson red and she walked towards the vampire who tried to kill her. Her voice became deeper revealing that her wolf was on the edge. She asked, "How dare you leave a mark to an Alpha?"

Jeremy didn't move or attempted to answer, but she heard a faint voice repeating the word Alpha. Her wolf was crazy inside of her and repeated, "I said, how dare you?"

Ruby held Jeremy's collar and brought their faces closer. If any of them moved a bit close, their lips could be almost touched. Jeremy said slowly, "Let me go, Ruby."

Ruby shouted in a deeper voice, "Alpha Warzone!"

Instead of Jeremy answering Ruby, he moved closer and their lips connected together. Ruby's hands held the collar tighter and Jeremy's arms swallowed her whole. Their lips moved in synch forgetting who they were.

With each moment, Ruby's wolf started to calm down and bombarded with gazillion questions. But even with so many questions, Ruby continued to move her lips against his. She knew that a wolf and a vampire were against all the laws, but on that moment she had forgotten everything.

Eventually, Jeremy moved back and their foreheads touched and they tried to catch their breaths.  A voice interrupted them, "I should go."

Jeremy and Ruby moved away from each other and stared at everything but each other. Alex repeated, "I am going."

Jeremy stopped him and Ruby took that opportunity to thank their hospitality. She got out of his house and breathed fresh air. She looked around and it was almost getting dark. A taxi was coming near her and she made it stop.

She got inside and recalled of the moment that she had been lost, in the arms of a vampire. In that moment, she knew that she had crossed a line. Ruby knew about the wars that existed through the years and never had heard of a werewolf and vampire relationship. Those things didn't exist.



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