Chapter 48

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Sitting on a stuffed first-class plane was silence, each one of them thinking of the future.

Ruby had decided to do a detour before going to London. Ruby looked around finding Isaac looking outside of the plane window, Dylan reading some magazine and Gabriel looking at his hands.

Ruby sat straighter and looked directly at Gabriel, which he returned the stare with a weird smile. Ruby started, "Gabriel, I would like to know about your past."

All of them looked at her, but Gabriel took a deep breath and then he said with unshed tears, "My parents died when I was a kid. I and my little sister always got by somehow, but those guards destroyed everything. One night, I and my sister got in a fight and she disappeared on the woods. After some hours, I went to search for her and I found her dead, but the scent was all around. That's how I found them and killed them."

Ruby nodded and Isaac and Dylan echoed how sorry they were, but Ruby didn't say anything. Suddenly, the pilot's voice rang in the air, "We will be arriving at our detour shortly."

Isaac asked, "Detour?"

Ruby looked outside of the window and said, "You will see."

Nobody dared to say anything else. Eventually, the plane landed on the destination that Ruby hadn't come in a long time. Ruby walked reached the front gates and looked right and left.

Dylan asked, "Where are we?"

Gabriel continued, "Who are you looking for?"

Isaac started, "We ar--"

But Ruby saw the man that she was looking for. A man with some grey hair and a smirk playing on his face all the time. They looked their eyes and Ruby run to the man and hugged him tightly.

The man said, "Kiddo."

Ruby said happily, "Igor."

Dylan shouted, "Igor, hey."

Igor and Ruby broke their hug and greeted Isaac and Dylan. They talked for a few minutes and then Ruby got next to Gabriel and introduced, "Igor, this is our new pup."

That caused Gabriel to look down on her, as he was taller than her. He had a look of confusion, but Ruby ignored, "Gabriel, this is Igor. Igor my second Beta."

Gabriel asked, "But Isaac--"

Ruby smiled and said, "Let's go to the pack house and I will explain everything."

Isaac whispered after started walking towards the car, "Back to Canada."

Ruby's journey in the car was all about old moments. Ruby remember when she met Igor in London. He was injured and stubborn when she met him. The day that they met, Ruby was going to buy food for the pack, when she heard low whimpers.

Humans couldn't hear them, but she could because of her hearing. She went to check and tried to help, but Igor just showed his red eyes and tried to scare her.

She wasn't easily frightened and when she got near to him, he bit her on the wrist but even then she helped him and Igor let go of her. He followed her to the pack house and the doctor took care of Igor.

Days went by and he was still dangerous, so she decided to make a deal with him. Canada was previously owned by witches but they offered Canada because she had a good relationship with them. Igor was the start, soon many others joined. Igor became the second Beta of the group and their relationship also improved.

They became her family. Although she stayed in London, she always kept tabs with all the packs. Igor later suggested to find more in America and he was able to recruit few more.

They reached Ruby's other pack and when they entered everyone greeted their Alpha. Although they were more violent than the wolves in London, they always showed respect towards her.

The training was cancelled as their Alpha was present and they all sat across the fireplace. The lightning of the living room had a low yellow beam. 

Igor asked, "Alpha, we were wondering about the vampire."

Ruby looked at Igor and smiled, "What do you already know?"

Everyone listened carefully for answers that they waited from their Alpha, and she was ready, to tell the truth. Igor was the only one able to ask any meaningful questions, others cowered.

Ruby didn't mind their questions; after all, they were her family.
Torn and twisted.

Igor continued, "That you are engaged to the King of vampires."

Ruby nodded and said, "Yes, it is true."

Ruby could see the shift of air, the suffocation of questions. But she didn't show any emotion, as she was waiting for their reaction. Finally, Igor spoke again, "Are you sure?"

Ruby answered, "Yes, I am."

A bulky man asked, "Alpha, but he is a vampire."

She saw Igor's anger flare, but Ruby assured with a quick swipe of her hand. She looked at the bulky man and answered, "And you are rogues, yet I accept you all. I give you all."

The bulky man dropped his head and Ruby continued, "Not everything is black and white. It is supposed to be messy and wild. I wouldn't want any other way."

They all nodded their heads and Igor said after few seconds, "As you wish Alpha. If anything happens, then we are here to cause chaos."

Ruby smiled and said, "I know."

Igor asked, "How is our little girl?"

Ruby said, "She wishes to come here, but I keep telling that is dangerous."

Someone on the crowd, he says, "We can protect her, Alpha."

Ruby's smile grew more and more. She knew that one thing that her whole pack, even the Canada pack, loved was Elena. Probably, she had made an enchanted spell that everyone falls in love with that little girl. Ruby knows that she did, and she never once regretted.

Their communication isn't that great with Elena, but whenever they get time, Elena captures the part that tries to hide.

Ruby continues, "I know. You all are my best fighters."

Ruby stands up and asks Igor to follow her to her office. The door closes and she sits on the chair. She looks at Igor and asks, "What do think about Gabriel?"


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