Chapter Ten: (picture of Hunter) Society and Surprises

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Chapter Ten:

Society and Surprises

"Tara, babe, don't read those," James says, swiping the magazine from my fingers.

I stick my tongue out at him, "Why not? I want to know what type of dress Rachel Weisz is wearing for her wedding. Will she go with the traditional white? Or will she be daring and go with some rainbow-peacock sort of thing?"

James rolls his eyes, and gently hits me with the magazine.

"Ouchie. Blame society for giving me these needs." I pout.

"You're blaming society, yet we are society," James points out, "So to make it a better place, we must change ourselves first."

"She could've gone with a peacock dress. Wouldn't you like to see that?"

"We need to focus on more important things."

"Like what?" I prompt.

"Like...when Caesar and Claire are gonna get here. They said they'd be here at 12. Look, it's 12:36. Do you think they're dead?"

"Probably," I nod my head in a serious manner, and James laughs then begins to tickle my sides.

Last night, he and I had confessed our feelings to each other. And then we proceeded to head back to Josie's apartment and have a romantic watching of The Sixth Sense. Scary movies can be cute?

Now we wait for Caesar, Claire, and Caesar's cousin (I still hadn't been informed of his/her name) to show up. I am in James's lap, about to read Ok! Magazine, and he has the TV on a bunch of pre-recorded re-runs of "How I Met Your Mother".

"Where are we going next? After we finish up New York?" I ask James, leaning back so the back of my head rests on his chest.

"Where do you wanna go next?" He asks me, running his fingers through my damp hair.

"Take my hand, dear sir, and I'll go anywhere with you." I reply, timing our breathing at the same pace. James grabs my hand with his available one.

"Let's go visit the Great Lakes." He says. "Or Niagara you count that as New York?"

"I said anywhere. We don't have to limit it to just our side of the country."

"To the moon and back?" James suggests.

"To the moon and back." I reply.

"I think we have it," James says.

"Have what?" I ask.

"Well all anyone really wants to do in life is travel, fall in love, and be happy. And we've done it. We've achieved life. Don't you think?"

"I think you should be a philosopher." I reply, "you're all full of pretty quotes today."

"Why thank you. And I'll be a circus performer on the side. You've seen me juggle." He says, and he kisses my collarbone and I can feel his lips curving into a smile.

"That I have. We'd make great money." I nod against his head.

James is about to say something but the front door to Josie's apartment bursts open and in comes Caesar, with his manly scarf and suitcase.

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