New Book

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Hi all! While Wanderlust will not be getting a sequel, I do have a new story that I'm working on called Emma Gray and her Quest for Love about a senior in high school who has never been romantically loved before.

The story is one that's going to be more personal, have religious aspects, and will highlight the idea of love in other forms that aren't just limited to romance. Here's an excerpt, unavailable anywhere else, for your viewing pleasure:


"DO YOU HAVE ANY FRIENDS?" Huck Carracci asks Emma Gray as she gets into his car. "Like, outside of those college kids you hang out with?"

Emma stops for a moment, midway between the car and the mid-September air. Her backpack droops off her shoulder and onto the worn leather seat as she attempts to comprehend Huck's question. All she can do is smile, let out a small laugh, and finish entering the Chevy.

"Yeah." She cocks her head and laughs at Huck again.

Her neighbor simply shrugs and pulls onto the road, not bothering to check if Emma has even shut her door (which she has, of course) (but Huck doesn't know that). He struggles for a few moments, trying to find the right way to phrase his next words.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just never see you with anyone at school."

"What's with this sudden interest in my personal life?"

"I've been giving you rides for a month now. I feel like I should be able to answer any questions my friends have when they see you get out of my car."

"Your friends ask about me?"

"Yeah." And Huck leaves it at that. Emma scrunches up her nose. She knows that Huck doesn't like it when people pry into his business (she had learned that the hard way), but he also has a tendency for being vague and ending conversations ambiguously.

Emma leans toward the dial and browses through the stations, yearning for something different than their local hits. Every one that she seems to like, Huck shakes his head at. Every one that Huck enjoys, indicated by a soft murmur of approval, Emma scrunches up her nose. She changes course and switches the dial from FM to CD.

Familiar music thumps through the stereo. The corners of her mouth lift up into a smile and Huck registers this with a matching grin.

"You know them?"

"Yeah, Davis introduced me to them a while ago."

"Favorite album?"

"Not sure if I have one. Is this yours?"

"Depends. I know Commit This to Memory is their most popular, but I kind of like Panic Stations, too."

"Shame they just broke up, then. If you like their newer stuff."

"You're telling me."

She brings her knees up to her chest and rests her arm on them, biting her thumb and playing with her necklace with her free hand. The ride is soothing--both of them keenly aware of this--as Motion City Soundtrack envelops them in the car.

Emma, in this moment, does not think about how Autumn Albany is bound to get on her case as soon as she walks into the newspaper headquarters after school. She does not think about the fight that Lance and Corrine have just had, nor what consequences could arise from it. She does not even think about either Beatrice in this moment.

All Emma focuses on is this friendship between her and Huck, and how good music can become a catalyst to something new. Something...beautiful."

You guys can find the first chapter posted already on my works! Check it out, and see what you think!

love always, dahila

wanderlust (edited)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt